Unity Mediation Deprecated

With Unity Mediation being deprecated in favour of the ironSource stuff, roughly how long will Unity Mediation stay functional for? Atleast a year or so?

Also, it only came out like a year ago and why is it already being deprecated? Couldn’t they coexist?

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Unity Mediation will continue to function until most users have migrated off. However, it will no longer receive new feature enhancements. We recommend using Unity LevelPlay as it is a robust solution for ads monetization.

Oh Jesus Christ haha and I’ve been racking my brain trying to Mediation get it to work properly. I will pray that Ironsource is compatible with the 2019.X.X editor’s version. Thank you.

Hi Luto_Akino,

We apologize for the inconvenience. If you would like to start using Unity Levelplay, it is indeed supported for editor 2019.x.x. More information in the knowledge base here:

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