"Unity Mediation not supported on this platform"?


I’ve just today integrated Unity Mediation + generated code with the Mediation Code generator. When testing the ability to show ads, instead I am shown two errors in the console;

Load: Unity Mediation is not supported on this platform```

I am running on unity 2021.3.11f1 on Windows 10. I'm not sure why i would be unable to run mediation, or why it would be incompatible with the platform. Is it because I am running it in the unity editor? And if so, how do i test Ads integration before building it to any devices?


Hi @BurntShooter
Unless I am mistaken, you are getting this error because your target platform is neither iOS nor Android. You should be able to test in editor as long as your target platform is one of those.
Also note that testing in editor is limited, as you won’t be contacting any actual ad network.

Yup that did it! Thanks!

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