Methods such as OnTriggerEnter or even Update appear to not work when i write them on my home computer. If I write code on my home computer, push it to a repository, and then open that exact code on the school computer without changing anything the code will work on the school computer.
Additionally, if i then open code on my home computer that I saved from the school computer it works fine, but when I attempt to add code to Update for example, (even as simple as Debug.log) that code does not work.
I have already tried reinstalling as well as updating unity.
If this is not the correct place to post this sort of question please direct me to the proper channels.
Please state exactly what “appear to not work” means. Are you getting any console errors?
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There are no errors, if I make a new application, put an empty in the scene, make a new script and put it on the empty, then go into that script and put Debug.log(“Test”); in update. Nothing is printed to the console when I run the application.
Show the code that you are using and a screenshot that shows that you added the script to an object.
Your screen shot shows 324 console messages, but you have disabled display of them. I’m guessing your code is working just fine. In the top right of the console you can enable/disable display of the 3 types of console messages (info, warning, error), and it appears you have disabled all 3. Enable them. Generally you’d want them enabled at all times unless you have a specific reason otherwise.