Unity Mingle during GDC

On Tuesday March 6, the day before the GDC Expo opens, we’ll have a Unity Mingle event a few blocks away from GDC’s venue. This is another chance to meet up with myself and David, talk a little shop and get to know each other a bit more. We welcome Unity users, and any others who are interested in Unity. We’ll bring our laptops!

Please RSVP in this thread or by email, so we can reserver tables ahead.


Time: Starting at 6.30pm, March 6
Venue: Kate O’Brien’s in San Francisco (Google Map)

Having lived in SFO for two years and visited many a nice bar and lounge in the city in search of cool jazz and swing bands (Lavay Smith comes to mind immediately) I’ll be there mentally anyway.

I wish I could afford a trip right now. :frowning:

Do we have two Davids now? :shock:

so that’s how you guys are always around! wish i could join you and yourself but you two have fun! :smile:

I should be able to make it for a bit. Flashbang is hosting an indie games party that night, but it doesn’t start until 8.

That’s the price David pays for copying/pasting from the announcement email we sent out… :lol:

Get to work Davids! :stuck_out_tongue:

David david2 = (David)Instantiate(davidhelgason);
   yield WaitForSeconds (1);
   newDavid = Instantiate(davidhelgason);
   newDavid.velocity = transform.forward * 1000;

I wish I could go to GDC… and bring my david launcher

Y’all better be going to WWDC, I will be there!

How’s it shaping up? Is the mingle coming together? I’m thinking of heading up for it (about an 8 hour drive for me). Would this be the night of the 6th?


@Dave: it’s coming together nicely (looks like there will be about a dozen people there so far). :slight_smile: The Unity Mingle event is in fact on Tuesday, March 6th, starting at 6:30pm. Come on up!

Edit: piece of cake! Google Map Directions

Hah, I didn’t notice you set up my route from San Diego! Thanks, don’t want to get lost! :smile:

I’m looking at hotels on Geary street around Taylor. Does that sound like a good bet?


Ok sign me up for the get-together! I picked the Ramada Americania. Seems like a bit of a seedy area, but then so am I! :stuck_out_tongue:

Once I had the Google map it was easy to say “get directions to here from San Diego”… :stuck_out_tongue:

Geary and Taylor is good, not too far a walk from the conference and our Unity Mingle, very close to Ruby Skye (where the Minna Mingle is held on Wednesday, RSVP here if you haven’t already).

See ya next week!

Argh! Is it too late to RSVP? I live in San Francisco and would love to meet chat with everyone.

No way is it too late to RSVP, come on down.

Where in SF? I’m just north of the panhandle on McAllister…

Actually the place I ended up at is on 7th and Mission, but it was the only 3-star hotel that wasn’t $400 a night! :shock:

You’re still a short walk (2-3 blocks) from the conference hall so that’s not so bad location-wise. The prices here in SF on the other hand… yikes.

HiggyB: I’m a block from Castro St station; I work in the Presidio (the Internet Archive).

dcorwin: Just be careful at night; I used to work at 6th Mission. It’s not exactly dangerous, but not the nicest of neighborhoods.

Also, my partner/3D artist also wants to RSVP. Party time!