Unity Mingle @ GDC 2008

On Wednesday February 20 - the first night of the GDC Expo - we’ll repeat last year’s Unity Mingle event. This is another chance to meet up with myself, Tom, Joachim and Allan, talk a little shop and get to know other Unity users. We welcome Unity users, and any others who are interested in Unity. The venue is Kate O’Brien’s, just a couple of blocks away from Moscone Center. First drinks are on us.

Time: Starting at 6.30pm, Febrary 20
Venue: Kate O’Brien’s in San Francisco (Google Map)

Please RSVP to tom@unity3d.com so we can reserver tables ahead. Be there or be, ehem, #.


Terrible sadness, as this overlaps with the IGF awards ceremony. How late will you guys be there?

As long as we can sit upright… now of course that might not be so late since most of us will still be pretty jetlagged :slight_smile:

… but then there’s always Tom and Sam, they’re natives to this timezone.


No worries Matthew, we’ll likely be there late this year just like we were last year. So come by afterwards and we’ll be there to tip a pint with you.

Update: I’ve now noticed that the website for Kate O’Brien’s is down and thus useless for any information. For those that want the street address (to go along with the Google Maps link above):

579 Howard St
San Francisco, CA 94105

See y’all there and for those that can’t make it, look out for some photos to be posted afterwards!

We’re really looking forward to it here. :slight_smile: You guys know how to put together a good time.


BAH. I hate that side of town. Too bad thats your best option since its near the convention center.


Sometime we need to meet in the mission at Little Baobab… or chat about Unity in those plush seats at Bruno’s.

Ofcourse… Hotel Utah isn’t too far is it? Check it out. Fun place. http://www.thehotelutahsaloon.com/

All places I know of course, Kate O’s is just so convenient and easy to reach from the conference hall, a prime point of consideration for us.

Some UT folks are staying on through next week though so maybe we’ll have a second, post-conference meet up in the Mission, perhaps a swing by La Taqueria first! :smile:

Yes, La Taqueria has some great soft tacos. Make sure you order the Chorizo with all the extras.

Well, keep me posted if there is a second meet planned. I’ll try to swing by. If the gang is into a clean bar like O’Briens, Cha Cha Cha on Mission might be appropriate as your one stop for dinner and drinks.

Admittedly I haven’t visited any of those places since I got married. Would be a fun diversion after work if I can get the time from the family.

BTW-- I highly recommend dinner at The Helmand in North Beach for the Unity crew. helmandrestaurantsanfrancisco.com - helmandrestaurantsanfrancisco Resources and Information.

Ok… I won’t mix up your plans anymore. :slight_smile:

It’s a while after now, but hey, I figured I would say thanks for a great night. It was awesome meeting other Unity’ers and the drinks went down well, too!

Thanks for a great night, guys … when do we get to see the pics? :smile:

Hah, nice bumpin’ of an old(ish) thread Jeff. Sorry but my pic content is low (almost nil I believe) from this year as I had to tend the box of t-shirts and give out name tags (and tend the welcome table, home of many many rounds!).

Yes folks, we gave out t-shirts at the Unity Mingle at GDC this year! :slight_smile:

Thanks, Tom. Yarp … bumped it alright :wink:

Might I say that the Unity3d t-shirt is, without a shadow of a doubt, the BEST t-shirt I got at GDC. It’s certainly the one I wear the most.

Seriously, it’s black and it says Unity3d on it … what more could you ask for?!