Unity Minimal GUI Editor [Release v2.0]

So, I’m a cheap guy, and I don’t feel like forking over $90+ for a GUI editor (I am not mocking GUIX, it looks like a very well done and very useful GUI editor).

I cannot stand trying to imagine a GUI layout in my head, I usually need a visual representation (probably shouldn’t have learned programming with VB.Net :roll:), so I started working on a GUI editor for Unity.

I was originally going to keep this for my development “team”, but I have decided to just go ahead and throw it on the forums; someone should find some use out of it.

Saving and loading uses LUA, that is why the dlls are included in the archive.

A screenshot and the download are attached, I would love feedback from you guys; I’d be happy to fix any problems you guys encounter.

Bug Fixes:
-Save now correctly saves the control’s Y position.
-Rare occasions where Textfields would crash the program when you move them.

New control:

Added scrollbars to the Generated Code textbox.

-Added Snapping to a controls Y value, also added drawing lines between the two controls (similar to Visual Studio’s).
-Slightly fixed controls disappearing while you moved them
-Changed background color to make buttons more visible

-Snapping sometimes goes haywire, the cause is unknown unfortunately.

Drag and drop controls to move them around.
Hit apply to save setting on controls.
Middle mouse button to remove controls.

320894–11525–$release_584.zip (83.3 KB)

You are an epic man, and I shall test right when I get home.

I forgot to say, the editor is written in C# and is WINDOWS ONLY!

I tried to compile with Mono, but it keeps using Microsoft’s GUI instead of GTK for some reason.

I also added toggles last night, but the code got messed up and you could save the file, load it up, and the GUI wouldn’t be visible; I’ll add toggles in the next update.

This is cool, I used it and must say it is very nice.

OOh! this sounds promising, must give it a try :).

Well, my development team has switched from Unity3D to XNA.

We cannot get networking in Unity to work how we really want it to, and after numerous days of researching our best option (for C#), we decided to move over to XNA and use Lidgren.

Unfortunately, this means that I will not be working on any Unity3D projects for the time being, this includes UMGE.

This didn’t seem to gain much popularity anyway :wink:.

Hopefully I will be able to find the time to work on this project soon (although two days of working until 3am, and 6:30am while the girl friend is away makes me believe that I won’t have much time lol).

sad to hear that you switched, especially given you use a networking that you could just as well have used in Unity.


Hey Dream, (Jesterstear from RC).

We switched because we do not like networking via scripting. Unity seems to be more like a casual game engine to us.

In 2 days of work I setup the game’s master server, allowed users to login, create game, and even join them.
In a week of Unity, I learned that there was a new script editor, and that I can instantiate objects and use the GUI controls to update the objects automatically.

I am sure I will use Unity for something, and I am almost positive I will be purchasing a license in the near future.

I’m not bashing Unity at all, I just don’t like attaching scripts to objects, it seems so alien to me. At first it looked great, but in the long run, it turned out to be annoying.

Well, our team is giving Unity another try since we miss the scene editor :roll:.

So I am now proud to release UMGE v1.2.

This version, as promised, supports Toggles.

Lol, the scene editor is pretty nifty! If you need any help, don’t hesitate to ask!

You see, the thing I like about programming, is that I get to write all the classes and manipulate them myself.

So I proposed the idea of going back to Unity, and I’m going to try to make units more… C# Class like.

I am going to also learn how to mod Unity Editor’s GUI eventually and try to put UMGE into Unity itself.

Cool man, I hope you guys do use Unity. You would be an excellent addition!

Well, we still have the option of Unity or XNA since we have the master server and the connection between the client-master- and game server pretty much setup in Lidgren.

We are just going to copy/paste the network code the the game’s menus into Unity and then keep the servers in C#.

I do have some problems with Unity that I’m going to have to lookup later though. Mostly physics mumbo-jumbo.

Indeed, I hope you can fix it. Unity3 will have a newer physics version, so I wouldn’t go about fixing too many thing :wink: .

Not sure how long this is going to last again.

Lidgren seems to crash Unity3D when .Start() is called.

Oh well, :lol:.


I updated UMGE to 1.2.1.

This just adds scrollbars to the generated code.

Larger GUI forms were having a bit of scrolling problem without them.

Version 1.3 will have listboxes added.
This feature will require more work than the previous ones, so it may take a day or two to implement this.

EDIT: Actually, I have no idea on how to go about doing Lists. I have no real custom GUI component experience, although I do have to learn to get them into my game. So this update might take awhile.

EDIT2: I am also looking at OOP GUI. It seems that all the current solutions require a paid-license.
I’m going to see what I can do to make a limited OOP gui system that is free. Of course it won’t be as advanced, but it is for those who don’t like working with the current GUI system that Unity has.

So, how is your project going?

Pretty good, we’re working without Lidgren.

MySQL for logging in, and Unity Networking + Master Server for gameplay.
It is a bit different from what we’re used to working with, but it’s fun to learn new things.

We are still lacking in modelers, two are MIA, one is in Poland for the next month; we are having issues in the art department.

We should have some basic networking done by the end of today (joining and creating games). Tomorrow we will look at in game networking and then make our next character for the game (after the first one is debugged unfortunately lol).

If you wanna talk, you can message me on AIM or MSN, I wouldn’t mind talking about the projects you have been working on :wink:.