Unity Mixed Reality Template. Plane detetection not working

I’ve attempted to use the Mixed Reality Template in Unity Versions 2022.3.11, 2022.3.18, and 2022.3.20 on 2 quest 3’s, all of which resulted in the app running but plane detection not working.

My process:

  • Use Quest 3’s Physical space Room Setup to setup my current room with a table.

  • Create a new project from Mixed Reality Template

  • Switch platform to Android

  • Build and run

These are some Errors I see Inside Quest Developer Hub:

SP:AF:AnchorFramework: operator(): Failed to query Anchors from Scene Manager, result: AnchorResultCode::ERROR_SPS_ACCESS_DENIED(-11001)

SP:AP:AnchorPersistenceRuntimeIpcServer: Package com.unity.template.mr is not trusted, status:1, sessionUuid:c144c1a3-1f89-122e-d7ca-8a6b01068207


  • I’ve ensured that my app has spatial Data Permissions multiple times on both devices. They were prompted at run time to allow permissions.

  • I’ve followed the instructions and set my physical room up with the quest 3 devices, including adding a table.

  • After downloading the template I noticed Plane Manager and gaze controller are disabled on the XR origin rig. (Tried enabling them to no avail)

**Solved for the moment

Issue was related to the devices being configured through Work.meta.com. There is a permissions issue.

Released my device and factory reset it. Configured it as a personal device through the Meta Quest App and now it is working.

I think Im having the same issue.

04:12:06.165[CT]SP:AP:AnchorPersistenceRuntimeIpcServer: Package com.unity.template.mr is not trusted, status:PackageTrustedStatus::UNTRUSTED(1), sessionUuid:14ed0ae6-026e-3b93-297c-e7c06e059e2e

04:12:06.165[CT]SP:AP:AnchorPersistenceRuntimeIpcServer: RPC not allowed for queryAvailableAnchorsSMV2 due to AnchorResultCode::ERROR_PACKAGE_UNTRUSTED(-10035) for package name com.unity.template.mr

Is there are any other options?

Hello all! I am facing the same problem but unfortunately I can’t understand from Meta how to configure my device as a personal device. @CostelloNicho do you have any pointer to online guides to help solve the problem? Thanks!

Sadly work.meta has not fixed this issue. The last correspondence I’ve had with them was on May 7th. For the last few months it’s been just generic responses like the one below.