Just to let you know that I have started a tutorial set development video diary for a 3rd person space shooter I am working on.
Video coverage as follows:
Part 1 - Project Overview (18mins)
Part 2 - Modelling Floor Section (modo) (31mins)
Part 3 - Scene Exporting and First Look in Unity 2.6.1 (23mins)
Part 4 - Snapping in modo and Unity Camera (23mins)
Part 5 - Unity Colliders and Visual Studio Setup (23mins)
Part 6 - Looking at Zone 1 in detail (32mins)
Part 7 - Modelling and Texturing (modo) (33mins)
Part 8a - Modelling Robotic Arm in modo (55mins)
Part 8b - UV creation and Normal Map Baking (24 mins)
Part 8c - Keyframe Animations in modo (21mins)
Part 9 - Lightmapping in modo (23mins)
Part 10 - C# Scripting (materials) (32mins)
Part 11 - C# Scripting (Game Mouse Class and Camera Additions) (39mins)
Part 12 - UV’ing and Texturing contined… (modo) (22mins)
Part 13 - Project Update in Unity 3.0 beta 3 (15mins)
Part 14 - C# Scripting (Gun Tracer) (29mins)
Part 15 - C# Scripting (3D Text and Prefabs) (62mins)
Part 16 - C# Scripting (HUD Timer GFX) (60mins)
Part 17a - 3D Ingame HUD part 1 (28mins)
Part 17b - 3D Ingame HUD part 2 (37mins) - Released 24/07/10
Part 18 - Cleaning up previous stuff, Finishing Door (iTween) Triggering Sound Effects (43mins) - Released 25/07/10
Part 19a - Explosions Part 1 (32mins) - Released 27/07/10
Part 19b - Explosions Part 2 (28mins) - Released 29/07/10
Part 19c - Explosions Part 3 (27mins) - Released 29/07/10
Part 20 - Custom Cursors, ENUMS and GUITextures (25mins) - Released 01/08/10
Part 21a - Randomized Bullet Holes (35mins) - Released 02/08/10
Part 21b - Adding Particles to Decals (26mins) - Released 06/08/10
Part 22 - Roadmap of what is to come (5mins) - Released 25/08/10 (Free - See Vimeo Channel)
Part 23 - Finishing Gun Tracer (37mins) - Released 27/08/10
Part 24 - Creating our first shader (27mins) - Released 28/08/10
Part 25a - Cleaner Robot (modo Modeling) (23mins) - Released 01/09/10
Part 25b - Cleaner Robot (modo Sewing UV Seams) (12mins) - Released 07/09/10
Part 25c - Cleaner Robot (modo Painting)(20mins) - Released 10/09/10
Part 26 - C# Waypoint Following Part 1(40mins) - Released 10/09/10
Part 27 - C# Waypoint Following Part 2 (The Follower) (35 mins) - Released 13/09/10
Part 28 - Waypoint Editor Script Overview (14mins) - Released 16/09/10
Part 29 - C# Character Base Class and NPC Inheritance (37 mins) - Released 28/09/10
Part 30 - Roadmap Video
Part 31 - Pathfinding #1 - Released 31/01/11
If you are interested in following these tutorials/video diary, please hop over to :
The Vimeo channel (http://vimeo.com/channels/115146), which also contains other tutorials for modo/unity that could be of interest to beginners also.
Cheers guys… any feedback is nice, especially positive, so many thanks.
Just a quick update of where we are with these tuts/development and what each part includes (roughly)
Part 1 - Project Overview (18mins)
Part 2 - Modelling Floor Section (modo) (31mins)
Part 3 - Scene Exporting and First Look in Unity 2.6.1 (23mins)
Part 4 - Snapping in modo and Unity Camera (23mins)
Part 5 - Unity Colliders and Visual Studio Setup (23mins)
Part 6 - Looking at Zone 1 in detail (32mins)
Part 7 - Modelling and Texturing (modo) (33mins)
Part 8a - Modelling Robotic Arm in modo (55mins)
Part 8b - UV creation and Normal Map Baking (24 mins)
Part 8c - Keyframe Animations in modo (21mins)
Part 9 - Lightmapping in modo (23mins)
Part 10 - C# Scripting (materials) (32mins)
Part 11 - C# Scripting (Game Mouse Class and Camera Additions) (39mins)
Part 12 - UV’ing and Texturing contined… (modo) (22mins)
Part 13 - Project Update in Unity 3.0 beta 3 (15mins)
As you can see Part 13 is Unity3.0 Beta 3 with a Beast lightmapped level (as opposed to modo). All future tutorial/diary entries will be U3 based (when dealing with Unity).
Anyway, we’re up to 7 hours in duration so head over to the Vimeo channel and subscribe to keep up to date. See first post for links.
New Parts Live:
Part 14 - C# Scripting (Gun Tracer) (29mins)
Part 15 - C# Scripting (3D Text and Prefabs) (62mins)
Part 16 - C# Scripting (HUD Timer GFX) (60mins)
Part 17a - 3D Ingame HUD part 1 (28mins)
Due to the shear amount of time this development diary/tutorial set is taking to produce and the size of the overall project, we are adding a ‘one-off’ subscription to view all the remaining parts. This subscription is $9.99.
The tutorials will continue to be produced right up until the game is completed and will show every stage of the development process, so there is far more still to come (to be honest, we haven’t even scratched the surface yet).
All the first 17 parts (10 hours) will remain free to view on the Vimeo channel (see first post for links). I will also be posting small ‘taster’ versions of the new parts here as they are released to whet your appetites.
I do hope that you will continue to support this development and that this small fee will not put you off following the tutorials and enjoying them.
Believe me when I say that I would have liked to see this remain totally free but due to the shear number of hours I am spending daily on this, that is not really an option. I am hoping you can understand and that $9.99 is not too high a price to pay.
The plan is still to release new parts every few days until the development is completed, so I hope you can ‘stay tuned’.
I’ve enjoyed this series, and am sad to see it not be free, but totally understand your time commitment. Its interesting and educational, and probably the best video series I have seen so far. I would love to support this project, and potential future projects.
However, I am hesitant to pay a fee if I can’t download the videos for future reuse. $9.99 isn’t much, but if I can’t have guaranteed access to the content, then its not a good investment.
The quality of your videos is not in question – the videos so far are awesome. But, given that so many folks are trying to sell unity training or add-ons, with wide variations in follow-up and quality, this is becoming a concern.
Can downloads for the series be made available for “subscribers”?
All the first 17 parts will remain on the Vimeo channel and can be viewed whenever, plus there is an option on each video there to download it to your drive (in the original HD 1280x720 format).
With all the new parts you will receive a link via your email address where you can download the part directly to your PC/Mac.