I am trying to import a movie into Unity 5.4 on windows 7 system.
Unity documentation states:
Video files are imported via Apple QuickTime. Supported file types are what your QuickTime installation can play (usually .mov, .mpg, .mpeg, .mp4, .avi, .asf). On Windows movie importing requires Quicktime to be installed (download here).
We’re putting the word out that everyone should follow Apple’s guidance and uninstall QuickTime for Windows as soon as possible.
This is for two reasons.
First, Apple is deprecating QuickTime for Microsoft Windows. They will no longer be issuing security updates for the product on the Windows Platform and recommend users uninstall it. Note that this does not apply to QuickTime on Mac OSX.
Second, our Zero Day Initiative has just released two advisories ZDI-16-241 and ZDI-16-242 detailing two new, critical vulnerabilities affecting QuickTime for Windows.
How can we safely import video files into Unity?