Unity Multiplay Matchmaking: OperationException: Game does not exist (ErrorCode: 32758)

I use the Photon Fusion BR200 example. And the documentation on how to set up Matchmaking. Having done everything according to the documentation I end up with an error - game not found. Although Unity Gaming Services keeps statistics that Matchmaking happens and tickets are counted. What may be the problem because I did everything clearly according to the docs https://doc.photonengine.com/docs/content/photon-fusion-br200-multiplay-integration-documentation-by-unity.pdf

I used Photon’s documentation for Matchmaking integration

I have contacted Photon’s support on the forum and on discord and received this reply:
“I suggest also asking this in the Multiplay forum. They created the integration and the documentation for it. We’re simply hosting it for them for convenience”

In the dashboard, in Multiplayer > Servers, you can click on a server and there is a Logs tab, maybe there is more info in there.

Like Florian is saying, I suggest looking in the logs of the server.
It sounds like matchmaker has found a match for you but the server has not opened the connection with Photon Fusion and therefore the client is not able to join

Unfortunately, I can’t figure out what the problem is on my own. The guys from photon also wrote me that your guide specifies a North America server when setting up Multiplay on the website. And they advised to change the parameter when starting the build from eu to us

Now the parameters look like this:

-nographics -dedicatedServer -batchmode -fps 60 -battleRoyale -logFile $$log_dir$$/Engine.log -dataPath $$log_dir$$ -port $$port$$ -region us -serverName “MP #$$serverid$$” -multiplay -backfill -sqp -matchmaking -maxPlayers 200

At the same time, even if North America (us) is installed everywhere, I always get the same error. I have checked the server logs according to your recommendation and every time I try to connect the same scenario happens! I found in the event that there is the following error

Server exit: triggering deallocation (exit: 139, signal: terminated)

I will attach a link to the log file for you to read. There’s also a shader compilation error in the log, but I don’t think this has any effect Do you have any idea how to fix this?

Here is another link to my ticket with Photon

I can see there’s a hard crash right after shader compilation. This indicates:

  1. The build is incorrectly uploaded (some files missing on server machines)
  2. The build itself is broken. We’ve seen some hard crashes in project accidentally imported with Unity 2020.3 instead of 2021.3. After switching to 2021 it still didn’t work because initial import produced some irrecoverable asset changes and deleting Library had no effect.

I recommend starting from scratch. Make sure to use same version (2021.3.5f1), ideally put the project under a version control system immediately after import so you can track all unintentional changes. In the worst case it is something specific to your development environment and you’ll have to find what is causing the crash.

Edit: Checked our server logs and the next task after shaders is compilation of Burst code.

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There is a problem with that project itself,
I also tested it myself,
It may be that MatchMaker has an update,
There is a problem with the code inside,
The suggestion is to use PackageManager to download, and then there are example resources in it.
Try to send a ticket to MatchMaker directly.

Any fixes to this?
I get the same thing.

Im getting this error:
Client#0 failed to start! Result: [StartGameResult: Ok:False, ShutdownReason: GameNotFound, ErrorMessage=Game does not exist (ErrorCode: 32758)]
UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object)
TPSBR.Networking/d__37:MoveNext () (at Assets/TPSBR/Scripts/Networking/Networking.cs:358)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator,intptr)

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You mean with the BR200-project? I am having the same issue and could not find a solution anywhere. Whats interesting is that the last post here said that building with a mac and the correct C++ compiler configuration fixed the issue. I don’t have a mac but that seems to imply that it’s not an issue with the project? But I have a feeling that that he may have had a different cause that resulted in the same error.


We have the same problem…
we try to build it with Mac same error

Anyone found a solution to this problem, It happens randomly on my end