Unity MySQL lag


I have a problem with my Unity together with MySql, I need every 1 second to get data from the database, but when he opens the connection the game crashes.


    void CheckVersion(){
        MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(LinhaMySQL);
            string sql = "SELECT VERSION FROM servidor";
            MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(sql, conn);
            object result = cmd.ExecuteScalar();
            cmd.CommandTimeout = 0;
            if (result != null)
                MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                    string versionserver = reader["VERSION"].ToString();
                    if(Application.version == versionserver) {
                    } else {
                        if(LoginGUI.activeSelf == true) {
                            MessageShow("VersĂŁo desatualizada, atualize seu jogo.", "FECHAR");
        catch (Exception ex)
            if(LoginGUI.activeSelf == true) {
                MessageShow("NĂŁo foi possĂ­vel se conectar com o servidor!", "FECHAR");

Please help me :frowning:

Translated by Google Translate.

Pretty sure this has to be done asynchronously, which means:

  • using a coroutine for this access.
  • yielding inside your busy-wait loops.

When you do a while(true) kinda loop in Unity, pretty much NOTHING ELSE runs, which means you lock up. That’s why you make it a coroutine and yield.

I haven’t used this method before, but from a quick glance, it looks like it may be something to do with using two execute commands.

@Kurt-Dekker is right and you should always try and use the async operations.

If the object is not null, you should just be able to just cast it to a string. And not have to do the second execution. So long as the field you want is of the first column. I may be wrong though, have not used this way before.

You could use Visual Studio to debug, enter a breakpoint at the start of the function, and step through until you find what causes the crash.

Also, just an option… I would recommend using Dapper for any Databasing work when ADO/EF6 is not an option.
I personally like Dapp-Contrib as I started out with ADO. But there are several options to choose from.

Thanks for the answer!

Additionally you should pool the connection and not reconnect every second. Perhaps try to call only once the method CheckVersion() in a Unity start() method and check by the debugger whats going on.

To be honest, just do not connect to MySQL from Unity applications ever, unless you’re developing some in-house simulator of some sort.

  • If you’re planning to distribute your application, connecting to a central database is extremely dangerous this way. If you need a central DB, put a layer (PHP or Python or whatever) between the two and just call REST endpoints.
  • If you want a local database, MySQL is too heavy for a game-like application, you are better off with some NoSQL lightweight solution.
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@ is spot on, but I kinda assumed you were connecting to a database built into your app, which of course necessitates putting it in StreamingAssets, and on certain targets (like Android) requires you to copy it OUT of your StreamingAssets and into a local temporary file for opening.

It only connects once, but it hangs when it calls the command.

Thanks for the answer!

Thanks for the answer!

it would also be interesting to know the answer to your problem