Unity Netcode and DOTS- Help Needed

I have 2 queries, where I need help.

Question -1)
I am using Netcode 0.6.0-preview.7.
I used the following code to create a basic scene.:

Now I am trying to create a standalone client for Windows that can connect to the server running in Unity Editor.
In order to achieve this, I added UNITY_CLIENT in the “Player Scripting Defines” in the build configuration file and built the project.
But then when I run the client I find the following error:

FieldAccessException: Field Unity.NetCode.CommandSendSystem2:_SingletonEntityQuery_GhostCollection_1’ is inaccessible from method Unity.NetCode.CommandSendSystem2<Assembly_CSharp.Generated.PlayerInputSerializer, PlayerInput>:OnCreateForCompiler ()’

Now this to me means that the client that I built was not the standalone client and it also has the server code running in it. Is this correct?

Then how do I create a standalone client (and a standalone server as well for Linux )?
Can someone please throw some light on the steps that I must follow?

Question -2)
On adding a few components to the Build Configuration file (eg. Net Code Conversion Settings component)
I get a warning icon like

On mouse over this icon tells me “This component is not used by the build pipeline”
What am I doing wrong and what can I do to get these components to be used by the build pipeline (or maybe this is completely unnecessary, as I have no idea)?

Please let me know if any other details will be required.


Hi, I made a post that may help answer your Question 2. :slight_smile:
You probably need a class that implements ClassicBuildPipelineCustomizer.