Unity netcode transform lag


Im trying to make my first online multiplyer prototype. I have managed to setup Unity netcode and see my player move on both server and client. However it lags really much (see gif video). there is almost a second delay between server and client and vice versa.

On top of that there is some heavy interperlation happening making the player ease in to a full stop instead of just slamming into the wall full speed ( as intended).

I hope that it is just because I need to increase som value somehere in netcode that Im not aware of, so I hope someone can help me make it less laggy :smiley:

I use:

  • Unity2021.3

  • Unity netcode for gameobjects 1.0.2

  • Unity Multiplayer tools 1.0

And for syncing players transform Im unsing the unity script: Client Network Transform (See picture)

-Parellel sync for testing multiplayer

What I have tired;

  • Increase the tick rate in naetwork manager to 60 - did not do anything

  • Make a build to see if lag was for parrel sync - same lag

  • Change the position threashhold on the player Client network transform script


In your first screen-shot you can see toward the bottom of your ClientNetworkTransform that you have Interpolate ☑ checked.

This creates a MASSIVE lag.
Uncheck this and the lag will be Much reduced

Did you find out what caused the issue? I currently have the exact same problem.
It seems to only affect rigidbodies tho.

@andrew-lukasik Thanks for the reply. I trying to get back into this. I think you might be right with the simulating latency, but I can’t seem to find the ‘Multiplayer PlayMode Tool’. I gooogle and searched forums, but nothing. Can you help me out where I can find it?

ok Thanks @andrew-lukasik . I have tried installing this package, but it did not show up like yours. It proberbly only works with entities - Which I also tried, but it can’t be installed in the same projects at Netcode for gameObejcts :confused:

So Im running this on the same computer, there really should not be any lag, if it is not simulating it…weird.

Can I ask you why you are using entities over gameObjects?