Unity new input system

Hello, I am currently learning how to use the new unity input system as I am new yo unity.

I have been trying to update my shooting script with the new system and I am having trouble with setting my shoot key that I have setup up in the Input Actions to a KeyCode in unity. Is there anyone that could help me with this because I have searched everywhere but everything I have seen has not helped me out. Any help would be appreciated :slight_smile:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;

public enum FireMode {Single, Burst, Auto}
public class M4CARBINE : MonoBehaviour
    [SerializeField] private KeyCode _ShootKey = KeyCode.Mouse0;
    [SerializeField] private KeyCode _ReloadKey = KeyCode.R;

    [SerializeField] private FireMode _fireMode = FireMode.Single;

    [SerializeField] private Animator Anim;
    [SerializeField] private Text Ammo;
    [SerializeField] private GameObject BulletPrefab;
    [SerializeField] private Transform BulletSpawnPos;
    [SerializeField] private GameObject ShootPos;

    [Header("Gun Values")]
    [SerializeField] private float FireRate;
    [SerializeField] private float NextTimeToFire;
    [SerializeField] private int CurrentAmmo = 40;
    [SerializeField] private int MagCapacity = 140;
    [SerializeField] private int MaxAmmo = 40;
    [SerializeField] private float ReloadTime;
    [SerializeField] private float BulletSpeed;
    [SerializeField] private float BulletLife;
    [SerializeField] private float TimeAfterReload;
    [SerializeField] private float RayDist;

    [SerializeField] private LayerMask ShootAble;

    [SerializeField] private string ReloadAnimName;

    [SerializeField] private bool _ShootInput;
    [SerializeField] private bool CanShoot;
    [SerializeField] private bool ReloadPressed;
    [SerializeField] private bool CanReload;
    private InputMaster playerControls;
   // private bool InputKey = playerControls.Player.Shoot.ReadValue();

     private void Awake()
        CanShoot = true;
        _ShootInput = false;
        ReloadPressed = false;

        NextTimeToFire = 0f;
        CurrentAmmo = MaxAmmo;

    public void Update()

        switch (_fireMode)
            case FireMode.Auto:
                _ShootInput = Input.GetKey(_ShootKey);
            case FireMode.Burst:
                _ShootInput = Input.GetKeyDown(_ShootKey);

            case FireMode.Single:
                _ShootInput = Input.GetKeyDown(_ShootKey);

        if(Input.GetKeyDown(_ReloadKey) && CurrentAmmo < MagCapacity && !ReloadPressed && CanReload)
            ReloadPressed = true;

        if(CurrentAmmo <= 0)
            CanShoot = false;

        if(_ShootInput && Time.time >= NextTimeToFire && CanShoot)
            NextTimeToFire = Time.time + 1f/FireRate;

        Ammo.text = CurrentAmmo.ToString("0") + " / " + MagCapacity.ToString("0");

        if (CurrentAmmo < MaxAmmo)
            CanReload = true;
        else if (CurrentAmmo == MaxAmmo)
            CanReload = false;

    IEnumerator Reload()
        ReloadPressed = true;
        CanShoot = false;
        Anim.SetBool(ReloadAnimName, true);
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(ReloadTime);
        int ReloadAmount = MaxAmmo - CurrentAmmo;
        if(MagCapacity >= MaxAmmo)
            CurrentAmmo = MaxAmmo;
            MagCapacity -= ReloadAmount;
            CurrentAmmo = MagCapacity;
            MagCapacity = 0;
        Debug.Log("Done Reloading!");
        Anim.SetBool(ReloadAnimName, false);
        ReloadPressed= false;
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(TimeAfterReload);
        CanShoot = true;

    private void Shoot()
        CurrentAmmo --;

        var Bullet = Instantiate(BulletPrefab, BulletSpawnPos.position, BulletSpawnPos.rotation);
        Bullet.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity = BulletSpawnPos.forward * BulletSpeed;

        RaycastHit hit;
        if(Physics.Raycast(ShootPos.transform.position, ShootPos.transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward), out hit, RayDist, ShootAble))
            //Debug.Log("Hit something!");
            Destroy(Bullet, 0.5f);
            //Debug.Log("Hit nothing!");
            Destroy(Bullet, 2.5f);


How I could set a key code value from the old input system to another key code using the new input system, so basically I am asking how I can do this:

KeyCode _ShootKey = KeyCode.Mouse0;

And i want to do this with the new input so it would look something like this example:

KeyCode _ShootKey = controls.player.shoot.ReadValue();

So problem is, whenever I try and do this with the new input system I cannot because it keeps on giving me errors saying that I cannot do this. Would there be any method that I could use to get passed this but make sure that it still does the same thing?

@andrew-lukasik i saw that you put in new code But I cannot see it anymore because it says it deleted, could you possibly resend it ?

I ported your code to the UnityEngine.InputSystem. No KeyCode here but InputActionReference instead:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;

public class M4CARBINE : MonoBehaviour
	[SerializeField] InputActionReference _shootActionRef;
	[SerializeField] InputActionReference _reloadActionRef;
	[SerializeField] InputActionReference _fireModeActionRef;

	[SerializeField] Animator _animator;
	[SerializeField] Text _ammoText;
	[SerializeField] GameObject _bulletPrefab;
	[SerializeField] Transform _bulletSpawn;
	[SerializeField] Transform _raycastSource;
	[SerializeField] LayerMask ShootAble = ~0;
	[SerializeField] string ReloadAnimName;
	[Header("Gun Parameters")]
	[SerializeField] EFireMode _fireMode = EFireMode.Single;
	[SerializeField] int CurrentAmmo = 40;
	[SerializeField] int MagCapacity = 140;
	[SerializeField] int MaxAmmo = 40;
	[SerializeField] float FireRate = 1;
	[SerializeField] float ReloadTime = 1;
	[SerializeField] float BulletSpeed = 10;
	[SerializeField] float BulletLife = 3;
	[SerializeField] float TimeAfterReload = 1;
	[SerializeField] float RayDist = 100;
	float _lastShotTime = float.MinValue;
	bool _reloadInProgress = false;
	WaitForSeconds _reloadWait, _burstFireWait, _autoFireWait;

	void Awake ()
		CurrentAmmo = MaxAmmo;
		_reloadWait = new WaitForSeconds( ReloadTime + TimeAfterReload );
		_burstFireWait = new WaitForSeconds( 1f/FireRate );
		_autoFireWait = new WaitForSeconds( 1f/FireRate );
		RegisterShootAction( _shootActionRef.action );
		RegisterReloadAction( _reloadActionRef.action );
		RegisterFireModeAction( _fireModeActionRef.action );

	void OnDestroy ()
		UnregisterShootAction( _shootActionRef.action );
		UnregisterReloadAction( _reloadActionRef.action );
		UnregisterFireModeAction( _fireModeActionRef.action );

	void RegisterShootAction ( InputAction action )
		action.started += OnShootStarted;
		action.canceled += OnShootCanceled;
	void UnregisterShootAction ( InputAction action )
		action.started -= OnShootStarted;
		action.canceled -= OnShootCanceled;
	void RegisterReloadAction ( InputAction action )
		action.started += OnReloadStarted;
	void UnregisterReloadAction ( InputAction action )
		action.started -= OnReloadStarted;
	void RegisterFireModeAction ( InputAction action )
		action.started += OnFireModeStarted;
	void UnregisterFireModeAction ( InputAction action )
		action.started -= OnFireModeStarted;

	void OnShootStarted ( InputAction.CallbackContext ctx )
		Debug.Log("shoot button pressed");
		if( Time.time>(_lastShotTime+(1f/FireRate)) && CurrentAmmo>0 )
			if( _fireMode==EFireMode.Single ) FireABullet();
			else if( _fireMode==EFireMode.Burst ) StartCoroutine( BurstFireRoutine() );
			else if( _fireMode==EFireMode.Auto ) StartCoroutine( AutoFireRoutine(ctx.action) );
	void OnShootCanceled ( InputAction.CallbackContext ctx )
		Debug.Log("shoot button released");

	void OnReloadStarted ( InputAction.CallbackContext ctx )
		Debug.Log("reload button pressed");
		if( CurrentAmmo<MaxAmmo && !_reloadInProgress )
			StartCoroutine( ReloadRoutine() );
	void OnFireModeStarted ( InputAction.CallbackContext ctx )
		Debug.Log("fire mode button pressed");
		if( _fireMode==EFireMode.Single ) _fireMode = EFireMode.Burst;
		else if( _fireMode==EFireMode.Burst ) _fireMode = EFireMode.Auto;
		else _fireMode = EFireMode.Single;
		Debug.Log($"FireMode changed to {_fireMode}");

	IEnumerator ReloadRoutine ()
		_reloadInProgress = true;
		_animator.SetBool( ReloadAnimName , true );
		yield return _reloadWait;
		if( MagCapacity>=MaxAmmo )
			CurrentAmmo = MaxAmmo;
			MagCapacity -= MaxAmmo - CurrentAmmo;
			CurrentAmmo = MagCapacity;
			MagCapacity = 0;
		_reloadInProgress = false;
		_animator.SetBool( ReloadAnimName , false );
		Debug.Log("Done Reloading!");

	IEnumerator BurstFireRoutine ()
		const int BURST_LENGTH = 3;
		int i = 0;
		while( i++<BURST_LENGTH )
			yield return _burstFireWait;

	IEnumerator AutoFireRoutine ( InputAction action )
		while( CurrentAmmo>0 && ( action.phase==InputActionPhase.Started || action.phase==InputActionPhase.Performed ) )
			yield return _autoFireWait;

	void FireABullet ()
		if( CurrentAmmo<=0 )
			Debug.Log("no ammo, need to reload");

		_lastShotTime = Time.time;

		var bullet = Instantiate( _bulletPrefab , _bulletSpawn.position , _bulletSpawn.rotation );
		bullet.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity = _bulletSpawn.forward * BulletSpeed;

		if( Physics.Raycast( _raycastSource.position , _raycastSource.forward , out var hit , RayDist , ShootAble ) )
			//Debug.Log("Hit something!");
			Destroy( bullet , 0.5f );
			//Debug.Log("Hit nothing!");
			Destroy( bullet , 2.5f );

	void UpdateAmmoText () => _ammoText.text = $"{CurrentAmmo:0} / {MagCapacity:0}";


public enum EFireMode { Single , Burst , Auto }

@andrew-lukasik thank you for this so much!!

For the _fireModeActionRef do I just make a new input in my input actions or its something else?

Sorry for bothering.