Unity on Apple silicon and Big Sur: Known issues and workarounds

That $MONO in the Xcode project will be fixed in Unity 2020.2.0b8.

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Hi @Tautvydas-Zilys , how would someone set the Mac Architecture to Apple Silicon from code? I need this for batch mode builds and searching through Intellisense has failed me.

using UnityEditor.OSXStandalone;


void SetMacArchitecture(MacOSArchitecture architecture)
    UserBuildSettings.architecture = architecture;

Hey, I had the same issue, but managed to get it going by renaming Xcode-beta.app to Xcode.app (renaming my Xcode.app prior).

Hi! I just updated to Big Sur 11 beta 10 from beta 9. Unity now freezes after loading, or after entering play mode. The entire DTK appears to be frozen as well, with no input from the keyboard and mouse registering.
I proceeded to try the ESC-ALT-COMMAND shortcut to open the force quit application window and nothing happened. However, after unplugging my HDMI cable and replugging it back to the DTK, I could then see the force quit application window on the screen. Force quitting Unity from there resolves any unresponsive/freezing on the DTK.
I would like to add that this issue did not occur in big sur beta 9. What can I do? If this a Unity’s issue or? Thank you so very much for helping!

EDIT: Posted this issue on Apple’s universal app quick start developer forum and met with another user with the same exact issue. This user has made a bug report with ID: 1285304

Subsequently, we are also met with the following error:
[Package Manager Window] Error searching for packages.
UnityEditor.EditorApplication:Internal_CallUpdateFunctions () (at /Users/bokken/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/EditorApplication.cs:327)

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Thanks! Yeah this issue was being discussed here: https://forum.unity.com/threads/mac-os-big-sur-beta-10-dtk-unity-2020-2-0b6-freezing-screen.988352/#post-6424331

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For anybody trying to work with animations on their DTK, the animation window will cause Unity editor to freeze on DTK. The issue has been reported and updated on issue tracker: Unity Issue Tracker - [DTK]Editor freezes for couple of seconds and some of the windows become black when working with animation window

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The Mono scripting backend fixes landed to 2020.2.0b12.

Nice, what’s the ETA?

I’m testing sending signed binaries to the Mac App Store for validation, and those built with Mono scripting backend are accepted, but those built with IL2CPP return multiple automatic signature error and are rejected. Problem is, the ones built with Mono, don’t run on macOS Big Sur.

Is there anything different to do while signing IL2CPP binaries? Otherwise, I guess I just need the Mono scripting backend fix

Should be out in a little bit over a week. We ship beta builds once a week.

What kind of errors are you seeing?

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Automatic rejection due to some signature problems. It could well be my mistake while signing it tho, but I’m following this guide, and when the binary is built using Mono, it’s accepted by the App Store with no extra step (just Unity’s delivery manual):

ITMS-90238: Invalid Signature - The executable at path Starman.app/Contents/Resources/Data/ARM64/GameAssembly.dylib has following signing error(s): valid on disk /Volumes/data01/app_data/awf/mz_12928241822325705445dir/mz_3404187745139814872dir/games.nadastudio.mac.starman.pkg/Payload/Starman.app/Contents/Resources/Data/ARM64/GameAssembly.dylib: satisfies its Designated Requirement test-requirement: code failed to satisfy specified code requirement(s) . Refer to the Code Signing and Application Sandboxing Guide at http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Security/Conceptual/CodeSigningGuide/AboutCS/AboutCS.html and Technical Note 2206 at https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/technotes/tn2206/_index.html for more information.

ITMS-90238: Invalid Signature - The executable at path Starman.app/Contents/Resources/Data/x64/GameAssembly.dylib has following signing error(s): code object is not signed at all In architecture: x86_64 . Refer to the Code Signing and Application Sandboxing Guide at http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Security/Conceptual/CodeSigningGuide/AboutCS/AboutCS.html and Technical Note 2206 at https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/technotes/tn2206/_index.html for more information.

It definitely helped me, thank you so much.
I used a similar process. However, instead of changing the Game Assembly Script, I just changed the Build Legacy System to the new one (On Xcode, File / Project Settings).

It also worked for release builds, but I had to add the entitlements manually, and also manually codesign every Plugin Bundle I had (which apparently didn’t get signed in the process of building from Unity)

Unfortunately this change had to be backed out of 2020.2.0b12 because it caused some issues in the editor. Still looking into it but hoping it can land soon again.

Hello everyone, need some help here, I need to buy a new MacBook for Mobile development (iOS and Android) should I buy the silicon one or will I have problem with compatibility issues?
Thank you, I really appreciate the experience from the ones who got the Arm Kit

Good question, RC2 on DTK and Unity just hangs on any window now. It may be a DTK only issue or a Unity one, Makes me wonder how Apple demo’d the Boat demo on Silicon in the promo video as I could not get it running 100% on older versions of Big Sur.

I would like to think the shipping M1 kit work out of the box.

It’s a bug in macOS Window Server. We’ve been working with Apple to figure out a workaround we can apply on Unity’s side and we found one just last week. We don’t yet know which macOS build will fix it but we’re landing our fix to all Unity releases so you could use them on the DTK and new devices (if they happen to exhibit the same behaviour) as soon as possible.


Rosetta 2 is a translation layer, not an emulation layer. On Unity first run, macos will create a translated cache. I don’t know the details of course but this has been pointed out by other devs. Not ideal, but still better than real-time emulation.

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In the current state Unity 2020.2.0b11 is unusable on DTK.

  • Editor constantly has screen freezes (monitor on/off gets the issue resolved)
  • Built project has absolute screen freezes - monitor on/off only advances it to the latest frame.

Which version are the workarounds expected to land to?

This issue is being discussed here: https://forum.unity.com/threads/mac…20-2-0b6-freezing-screen.988352/#post-6424331

Working with animation window will also cause unity to freeze. Issue tracker has already been filed : https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1278810

Thanks for the info.
From what I understand, we have to wait for a week (based on Unity’s beta roll out schedule) for a workaround to be published.