Unity Package Manager Error: An error occured while resolving packages

This problem also occurs when I use unity 6000.0.1f1 to install the cinemachine or spline package.

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This helped, thanks

Sorry, after using these methods, the error did not disappear.

But I found a good solution:

  1. Close the project (my project is on drive d)

  2. Create a new project on the c drive

  3. Use Package Manager to install the package I want to install (no error is reported here, it may be related to the drive disk where it is located)

  4. In the “Library\Package Cache” folder of the new project, find and copy the package

  5. Open the npm folder, such as: “D:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Unity\cache\upm\packages\packages.unity.com”

  6. Paste package, and rename it, such as: “com.unity.settings-manager@2.0.1”

  7. Delete other folders with the “.tmp” prefix in the npm folder.

  8. Just reopen the project

can you please write a path to this file

I ran into the same problem when I was using an external drive. Shifting the project to an internal drive, resolved the issue.:man_shrugging:t4:

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It is still occuring, that projects cannot be created on non-C drives (in Windows at least)