need some advice, working in unity using photon for a multiplayer, for those accustomed with photon there is a variable in the PhotonNetwork script which cleans up player network instantiated or created objects when the player leaves the room, which you can turn on or off by setting m_autoCleanUpPlayerObjects to true or false
the problem is the player can instantiate blocks which other players walk on and i want those to stay in game if the player leaves the game, so i thought setting autocleanup to false would fix this, but then the player and his camera stays in the game and messes everything up for the other players, thought about trying to delete it by setting it to destroy itself if the detected player id leaving the scene is identical but due the ownership is instantly transfered to the next player preventing it from deleting
Also i realise there is PhotonNetwork.InstantiateSceneObject whoch will instantiate objects to a scene, however only the master host can instantiate objects this way and all other players will not be able to
thoughts on how to fix? is there any way to stop the player objects from changing ownership, or maybe make the blocks you place change ownership to the next player to stop them deleting with autocleanup