Hello, I am having issues with the Oculus Quest 2 Live Link… I think…
Basically, sometimes when I link and play everything works great.
Other times that I link and play the frame rate will be very low and the audio extremely choppy.
This is my question:
Is it possible that XR input actions could possibly not be called properly because of this frame rate drop?
When there is no “Lag” and I select an object; everything in the OnSelect runs appropriately.
When there is “Lag” and I select an object; sometimes all or just some of the commands in OnSelect run appropriately.
I wanted to know is this is a known issue because I have looked for something that addresses it and I cant find anything.
Ive looked at my code and I cant find anything that could be causing it and I am getting no console errors.
Also the fact that it only sometimes happens.
I just ultimately want to know if im crazy or if I just need to build it everytime to accurately test my APK.