Unity Pro displaying Unity splash

I have upgraded to the latest version of Unity 5 and find even though having the Pro licence the app exported to IOS is displaying the Unity “made with Unity” splash screen?

Why is this?

I have the exact same issue?!? Any idea on this? How to solve? I have added my own splash-screens and the build shows them but just before the app is done loading the Unity splash is showed?!?

Please help :-/

Go to Edit → Project Settings → Player Settings, then under the Splash Image header uncheck “Show Unity Splash Screen”

For Pro users you can toggle it on and off as of 5.0.1 I believe. Was a bit annoying to have it default to On for Pro users, but that is how you can turn it off.

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Perfect… Thanks for the solution :slight_smile:

Perfect :wink: Thanks

Thanks for that!
I reckon this thread is probably going to be viewed by pretty much every pro user making an iOS build :slight_smile:
Why make it on by default, seriously…

Just FYI, Pro users making iOS games will need iOS Pro in order to remove the Unity splash screen.