Today I started making a unity project and after a few minutes of writing and building the base of the project Unity crashed due to a TDR error.
I had never had this error before, so I started to find out what the root of the problem was.
I watched a lot of videos of how people solved this, so I started to try the answers step by step.
I have a Gtx 1080 in my pc, I have already checked the drivers and everything related to the hardware, which can presumably cause such a problem. But the gpu put up a good fight and didn’t show any signs of malfunctioning.
Then, after 2-3 hours of debugging, I tried to reinstall Unity Hub, but it didn’t help, the problem remained. I created a new project and put in the code I wrote, but I faced the same problem.
He tried to turn off the protector and the firewall, maybe connecting from a vpn network, but nothing was solved.
The 2 versions I tried are 2022.3.37f1 and 2022.3.46f1, but I ran into errors in both.
I tried managing the project and quality details, hoping that would fix the rendering issue, but I got the same crash every time.
Now after duble clicking the project I can get 2 option. The First is when the project opens and let me work for 2-3 sec and after get a crash. And the second is when the project opens and crashes instantly.
Please, can anyone help me with this problem?
Because I’m out of ideas and I don’t know what to do next.