I am using Unity 5, my player moves, just extremely slow. The animations all work fine and the player rotates. I have tried to check and uncheck Apply Root Motion. Didn’t work. I have tried re-entering the speed parameters at every place that I even read the word speed. Still nothing.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This doesn’t really address the question or answer why this happens, but you can use AddForce on the character’s Rigidbody when he’s supposed to be walking. I’m sure this isn’t the most efficient way of doing it but something along the lines of this might help:
private Rigidbody rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody> ();
private Vector3 normVel;
public float increaseSpeed; //You can adjust this in the inspector window whilst in play mode to work out a decent looking value
normVel = rb.velocity.normalized;
rb.AddForce (normVel * increaseSpeed);
You would add this to the script attached to the character