Is the orange light baked or realtime? Looks like it’s got bounced light as well as a sharp shadow. I didn’t think bounced like was working yet on realtime point / spot lights.
Also, was gonna say Quake 1
Is the orange light baked or realtime? Looks like it’s got bounced light as well as a sharp shadow. I didn’t think bounced like was working yet on realtime point / spot lights.
Also, was gonna say Quake 1
Would say that but since he said 15 years I am thinking III.
A million points to you, you huge nerd
Don’t spend them all at once
The point light is real time they haven’t added shadowing for the GI yet it it will contribute to the bounced light once it hits a surface this basically means the lights will add GI to things it shouldn’t like other rooms and the cellar bellow, they will be fixing this though
Cool. Can you transfer them to my PointPal account;).
So there will be shadowing of the real time GI in 5.0?
Does anybody else suddenly realize that this needs to be a thing? Like a PointPal website where you can give “internets” to people and see how much internets you currently have?
Ahh I see. That’s pretty cool.
Do your bricks have a normal map? based on looking at the real-time orange light I’m thinking no? If they did have one, would the GI be affected by it?
What do you mean by internets?
You ever see a Youtube comment that goes something like “Congratulations sir, you win 1000 internets”?
No I have not. So it is like likes except someone can give you as much as they want?
All important Disco mode, all realtime no rebaking from last image, creatively this is liberating joyous wonder
That looks really good!
What’s the interaction with normal maps like?
Thanks, FYI:
“they have ways of dealing with this, and with realtime reflections so a dynamic object moving around your scene will pick up lighting and reflections from your realtime GI or from your baked GI. Right now some of this isn’t working but will be by release time. It will store the direction the light was travelling from in the lightmap so you can get lighting and specular from normal maps and such too.”
As soon as they add it I’ll try it out
what beta version are you using?
Looking pretty good!
@HeliosDoubleSix:The screen you offere 1 million points for…
Believe it or not, I was guessing Quake too (geddit?! ) and that’s because I saw someone else playing Quake once.
There are also way too many Quake refs on the internet to even forget about it. so no Quake n00bs allowed!
Anyone else miss the original team fortress for quake 1? Or weapons factory for quake 2? lol
It’s Q3DM7. Any diehard grunt would know this.
Nice work so far on the scenes… but still not quite there in terms of quality. What are you finding are the weak points of enlighten so far?
Yeah, Quake multiplayer mods were probably the most fun I’ve had gaming, especially Quake1.
TF, Painkeep, ThreewaveCTF, Airquake and CCTF are some of the mods I played the most.
They inspired me so much I was designing mods on pieces of paper when I didn’t know how to code =/
Quake2 and halflife were my favorite… quake 2 ctf, quake 2 weapons factory, action quake 2, gloom for quake 2… and then action halflife was just epic. not to mention all the other mods for it… hell i made mods for half life.
Beta 3 when you asked, now beta 4,
This scene was just thrown together
Weak points as it stands are you cannot get soft area shadows without using Area lights which currently are not supported in realtime, which means for those you need to bake, and to get high quality baked GI you need really really high realtime GI settings, which I’m sure can’t be very efficient and takes forever to process. Though I think they are separating the quality settings for realtime and GI soon. And even when it is set really high you are inherently limited by the lightmap max size of 4096x which sounds like a lot but if your object has a huge surface area you may well hit this sooner than you think, then your only option is to start breaking your model up into smaller pieces.
And it has lots of stupid hard limits like quality cannot go above ‘x’ and cluster size cannot go below 0.1 and lights cannot go brighter than 8 and other such nonsense.
But more than all of that, I am quite tired of staring at my computer baking all day long
Good, this is feedback they need.