Unity Recorder and homemades features

Good morning !

I have a specific project in mind and I would like to be able to do some specific things but I’m not sure if it’s doable and if it’s the case, how.

Basically I would like to be able to know when we start/stop recording with the Unity Recorder package. Maybe with some kind of events, to be able to trigger things and to do some actions only when recording. I would also like to be able to, on the code side, know the path and filename of the current recorded file, in order to be able to, automatically, when the recording is done, add some metadatas within the video file or generate a text file next to the video file that would contains details about the video file.

Another question a bit more tricky, do you think it would be possible, when the Unity Recorder package has finished encoding a frame, to let’s say, change the value of a specific pixel ? My idea would be to “hide” informations within the video frames.

(Blizzard is using this concept to hide player informations in their screenshots in order to track them over the web for exemple)

Have a nice day :slight_smile:

As far as I can tell the original API is out there but not a lot of info on how to get stuff from it.

Take a look at this thread Control Unity Recorder from Script
This actually gives you quite a lot of info 3 or 4 answers down in answer to at least 1 of your questions