Unity Recorder - Particle Pack - png sequence with alpha not working as expected

I am trying to export an explosion from the Unity Particle Pack as a png image sequence with transparency.

Any advice to get this working would be greatly appreciated. Happy to answer any question or perform any experiment/ ritual on kittens to get it working.

Unity 2019.4.4f1, Unity Recorder 2.2.0

Here you can see my setup. 2 cubes, have set alpha on solid background for camera

And here is the output.It looks like the particles are not rendering to png with alpha properly when on top of an alpha background. However you can see the particles in front of the cubes.


I’m not sure if you’re still interested, but:

I was able to get a work around in another program. I saved 2 separate animations; one with a black background, then one with a white back ground. Next, I would layer the two animations in another video-compositing software, “Hitfilm Express”, if you’re interested. I then set the blend mode of the animation-layer with the “black background” to “lighten” and the animation-layer with the “white background” to “darken”.

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Hi, Don’t care background if you want to export png sequence for animation,then create a material and select shader: Particles/Standard Unlit,Rendering Mode: Additive,Color Mode:Multiply
It’s work for me!

Just recording particles in unity recorder. works fine.
I set the particle/renderer “order in layer” to 25, the particle label to the visible layer, and used color and alpha settings in the “color over lifetime” setting.