Unity Remote 5 not working from Mac to Android


I’m trying to port my iOS game to Android but I am unable to get Unity Remote to work with Android, although it had been reliable while I was working on it with iOS.

I’ve downloaded the Android modules with the sub folders filled with the SDK and other relevant folders. Ran adb devices on my Mac and the Android is shown to be connected and authorized. I set up Remote from the Project Settings >> Editor to run on all android devices. Yet, it still won’t show up.

If it helps, I’m using a Visible R2 phone, which uses Android 8 (Oreo).

Any input will be greatly appreciated!

Just realized this is probably not the right thread to post this question ‍♂️

No worries! It is also discussed here https://discussions.unity.com/t/732978

Thank you man, I’ll check it out!

Hey, android development and specifically Unity Remote 5 does work on R2 phones!

What solved my problem was looking at these docs:

Essentially, I needed to install Android Studio and its SDK (Unity’s modules for downloading the SDK & NDK, and OpenJDK are needed as well, but their SDK download was what was giving me the problem).

Then, you go to Unity, click on preferences and go to the “External Tools” tab.

Uncheck “Android SDK Tools Installed with Unity (recommended)” and input the path that Android Studio’s SDK is located at. For my mac, the path was “/Users/<<your_username>>/Library/Android/sdk”, if you need help finding it.

Then, it was all set and I was able to Test my Unity game on my R2 phone!

Hope this helps anyone who comes across this problem, especially on this phone! Took me all day today to solve it.