Unity Remote depends on itself

I am running into an error when trying to build Unity Remote to my ipod touch. I tried following the wiki tutorial which did not help.
I have successfully built and run Startroopers, the example app with the iphone unity release.

mac book pro osx 10.5
xcode 3.1.2
previously a PC user with Linux experience

The error that I receive twice:
File /Applications/Unity iPhone/UnityRemote/build/Release-iphoneos/Unity Remote.app depends on itself. This target might include its own product.

I have done:

  • open UnityRemote in xcode
  • Update the Identifier with: ##########.com.missioncriticalstudios.UnityRemote
    (also tried ##########.com.missioncriticalstudios.${PRODUCT_NAME:identifier})
  • Base SDK: Device - iPhone OS 2.2.1
  • Any iPhone OS Device:iPhone Developer:[registered name here]
  • iPhone OS Deployment Target: iPhone OS 2.2.1
  • Confirmed that I have selected Device - 2.2.1 | Release
  • Click Build and Go

This is the point at which I receive my errors.

Now when I attempted to follow the wiki, I got stuck at the point (near the end) where I was to setup an Air Port Network. When I open Air Port, it searches for devices and that’s all I can do. It doesn’t find my ipod touch and I can’t figure out how to create a network.
I’m fine doing my tests via a cable if I must… unless that’s not an option.
However, I cannot be certain if this has anything to do with the error above.

BTW: Hello all.

I have

to build my unity remote. it works.

Although I am working on fixing some elses unityremote that gets that same error.

right, the #####. in front is not meant to be present.

its always
