Unity Remote doesn't work for me :(

From yesterday I am trying to connect my tablet with unity project and test it, but with no success.
Few days ago i had to format my disc and reinstal everything: unity, android SDK, etc.
Earlier everything works great. What i did:

  1. installed Unity.
  2. downloaded and installed Android SDK.
  3. I updated it throught SDK manager (including Google USB Driver).List of things what i have updated http://i59.tinypic.com/66iz3b.png.
  4. then i run Uniry and i set path to sdk folder in Edit->Preferences->External Tools (in my case - D:/androidSDK/sdk).
  5. in Project Settings → Editor i set device - Any android device.
  6. load my old project which I test on tablet (before format) using unity remote.
  7. build and run it on android device again, for sure.
  8. i saved project and scene and exit Unity.
  9. plugged my tablet.
  10. run Unity Remote 4. (i have tried with normal Unity Remote, and step 9 then 8, with no success)
  11. my Windows 7 inform me that driver for this device didn’t instales properly(when i pluged my tablet first time).
  12. i run unity, press PLAY and Unity Remote on my tablet didn’t response :frowning:

Unity: 4.5.5f1
OS: Windows 7 SP1 64-bit
Device: Lenovo A3500 , adnroid 4.2.2, Dbbug mode ON.

a few weeks ago everything works fine on this same tablet and system. Only one thing was different, a Unity version, 4.3 if i remember well. Unity remote works well (in those days i worked on Unity Remote. not Unity Remote 4).

What I did wrong ? Please help me and save my day.

Ok. I solved it by myself. I download ADB Driver from Downloads - ADB Driver Installer , run it, plug my device and instal driver for it.