Unity remote doesnt work

Ok, I have iPhone SDK 2.2.1 installed on my new MacBook, along with Unity iPhone 1.0.1. I have correctly installed all the keys and provisioning profiles, etc., onto my computer and the iPhone, and am able to compile and install the Unity Remote application without problems.


When I run Unity and load Unity Remote on my iPhone, it runs and finds my computer (Mephistopheles) with no problem. However, when I pick the computer, I get a screen that says ‘Waiting for Game View (Press “Play” in the Editor)’. Even if before this or after this I have started running the game in the Editor, it never shows up on the iPhone. In the Game View, the ship in the Star Trooper demo moves forward until it runs into one of the columns in the arena. It does not respond to attempts to control it with the iPhone.

Please help? Thanks.

[EDIT] I used XCode to restore my iPhone and recompiled/installed Unity remote, now, when I pick my computer in the app, it hangs on the Local list and eventually says ‘Failed to initiate connection’ at the top of the screen…what am I doing wrong?

Here are some possibilities:

1 Make sure your Firewall is turned off, or Unity iPhone.app is in the “set access for specific services and applications” list.

2 Quit Unity iPhone.app and Unity Remote, then relaunch both of them. Unity iPhone.app seems to only process one connection from Unity Remote. Subsequent connections don’t work until I relaunch both of them.

3 Try reconfiguring your wireless network, perhaps with direct connection to your Mac? I am using

Unity Remote ↔ Airport Base station ↔ ethernet ↔ iMac

and it works fine. A little bit laggy sometimes, but I also have an IP telephony device on the same network.

OK I hope you get it working!

I got it to work by creating an ad-hoc wireless network between my MacBook and the iPhone, so this narrows the issue down to my router’s firewall. I could put my MacBook on DMZ to get around this, but would rather not. Does anyone know what ports I would need to forward to my MacBook’s address to get it working with my router?

portforwardings / DMZ are for external connections.

connections within the LAN are not filtered the router.

Sure that your iphone was on Wifi and both on the same WiFi

You’re right about that; however, I am definitely on the same network with both devices and it still won’t work without me making an ad-hoc connection.

Sounds very much like firewall or alternatively like an app that connects to the internet and accidently uses the same port as the remote

I have seen numerous post of the Unity Remote not compiling or working for some developers. Why not just post it as a Free app on itunes store? It is a remote like all the others.

my 2 cents

Agreed…this seems like the simplest solution.

don’t see how that would solve an issue that is related to your system setup.
Its not the remote that does not work in this case but something on your system that actively interfers on the required port for example.
If it was a problem with the project it wouldn’t either not compile, not install or not start as very last.
I assume you have checked the output in live while you run it through xcode with build go (-> debug execution)

On the offering of it on the appstore: If someone is not even able to build the remote, how does such he/she intend to develop an iphone game that requires a multiple times more knowledge on xcode and how app distribution works, how the iphone works etc?

The remote actually is a good way to learn the basics about provisioning and bundle identifiers I think because the project itself works (its only a very small minority who has problems so its common to assume that it is a user system or user problem), the only thing you have to learn is how the “apple end” works to make the remote working on your own iphone.

The thing I don’t get regarding this…how can my system (or another app) be interfering with Unity Remote’s port if the only app I have running is iPhone Unity? Mind you, this issue has persisted for me across two different MacBooks (had to replace the first one), both with clean installs of both the OS and all the relevant software (iPhone SDK, iPhone Unity). Even more irritating…I never had this problem with my Mac Pro, with the exact same system and network setup. Just aggravating…I don’t want to have to shut of my internet connection just to use the remote app but for the time being it seems like that is what I have to do.

So to be sure:

You didn’t by error start the regular unity on the macbooks instead of Unity iPhone? (I know that might sound stupid but the majority is the same so its easy to miss within which you are unless you try to use terrains or check the build settings)

I’m on a macbook pro, osx 10.5.6, XCode 3.1.2 and the current iPhone SDK for OS 2.2.1, fresh provisions for 2.2.1 myself, running through wifi.
I didn’t need to setup anything specific on my mac to use unity and the remote. They are both connected to my wifi router and they just worked, so especially check if you by error/accident set a static portforwarding for the bonjour protocol (which is what unity remote uses) within your network or if you just disabled bonjour on your macbooks somehow

Yeah, i don’t even have regular Unity installed on the Macbook :slight_smile:

I did the same, clean installs, fresh provisioning files, all that jazz. Only forward for that machine is for Bittorrent, on 6881, and AFAIK, I haven’t disabled Bonjour (I am positive of that actually, cause I use Desktop Transporter to remote access other machines, and they all use Bonjour for discovery).

Check your firewall settings. Are they on? If they are, add a new entry for the same ports Unity Remote is using. If you are not sure, turn off all your firewalls on your laptop.

If this still does not work check to make sure you are not running other apps like little snitch, etc. Anything that could block a port could be preventing it.

If you are 100% sure that is not the case, do what I do on my train commute… make your own network via the wireless and then make sure in the settings of the ipod/iphone that you have joined that network.

If it still does not work… consult your remotes console log… are you getting ant exceptions? if not, check your sys logs to see if it detects your remote connecting to your network that you created from your laptop.

If it still does not work… make sure you do not have any other remote style apps on your iphone/ipod and then reinstall and restart your iphone/ipod touch… if it still does not work. Ask someone to add you as a adhoc build user and ask them to build you the app. :slight_smile:

And first ensure that the build version and base sdk in the project settings is the same as your iphone OS or at least 2.2
Otherwise you can try till you get mad, as 2.1 build unity remotes will normally not find any Unity on iPhone OS 2.2+