Unity Remote

I have the Unity Remote installed on my iPod Touch, but is there something special I need to do to make my Mac show up in the Unity Remote app? They’re both on the same network, but the iPod isn’t seeing my Mac. There must be something I’m forgetting to set on the Mac, perhaps?

This here might work http://forum.unity3d.com/viewtopic.php?t=15063

I didn’t have anything to do actually. my itouch is using the same wlan router as my macbook pro, both can go online and it just works.

Thanks, for some reason the solution in that thread didn’t work in that my iPod never did see the network created on my iMac, but for some other strange reason, it suddenly started working anyway through my regular network. So it looks like I’m good to go!

Awesome work, by the way, guys! The Unity Remote is FREAKIN’ AWESOME!