Unity.Rendering.EntitiesGraphicsSystem is slow

Hi devs,

I’ve made a simple project with :

  • one manager GameObject storing an Entity field and an int field
  • a cube prefab
  • a system responsible for instancing the cube entity
  • a system responsible of the rotation of the cube

Buildt in an URP 14.0.8 environment with entities and entities graphics 1.0.14.

The rotation system is a simple ISystem only scheduling one job in parallel.
The job have only an Execute function with a ref LocalTransform parameter.
The rotation use the LocalTransform.RotateY method.
That’s all for the context.

Here is the problematic : when the rotation system is working, the Unity.Rendering.EntitiesGraphicsSystem spent 7ms on the GPU instead of 1ms when disabled. To be more precise, it happen when I use the ref LocalTransform parameter in the execute method from the rotation job.

Has a consequence, the profiler record a 3ms Gfx.WaitForPresentOnGfxThread on the main thread for each frame

With rotation system disabled :

Is it a normal behaviour from the Unity.Rendering.EntitiesGraphicsSystem ?

How many cubes do you have?

It is expected that if you modify the transform (or any other [MaterialProperty] component), Entities Graphics will run a compute shader to update that data on the GPU.

However, that should normally not take anywhere near 7 ms, unless you have an extremely large amount of Entities that you are modifying.

I spawn only one cube (primitive shape, default material), a prefab instantiated with CubeManager settings.

the scene project :

the GPU Usage (constant value) :

Here is the rotation system and job implementation :

  • public partial struct CubeRotationSystem : ISystem
    public void OnCreate(ref SystemState state)

    public void OnUpdate(ref SystemState state)
    new CubeRotationJob { }.ScheduleParallel();

public partial struct CubeRotationJob : IJobEntity
    public void Execute(in Cube cube, ref LocalTransform transform)
        transform = transform.RotateY(math.radians(cube.RotationSpeed));

as reminder :

  • Unity 2023.1.12f1
  • URP 15.0.6
  • Entities graphics 1.0.14

I tested the exact same project on another pc (way more performant) and I get the same issue/result.
this issue seems the same as the one describe on this thread : URP loses whopping 3ms of CPU time once a single Hybrid Renderer entity is spawned

thank you for having paying attention to my problem

If there is only a single cube, then 7 ms is definitely way higher than expected. Would it be possible for you to submit a bug report with a repro project?

Something else you could try is to take a GPU capture of a player build of your scene, using a tool which is capable of doing GPU profiling, such as:

  • Nvidia Nsight (Nvidia GPUs only)
  • AMD Radeon GPU Profiler (AMD GPUs only)
  • Microsoft PIX (D3D12 only)

This kind of tool will show you what exactly is taking so much time, and can offer insight into why that is happening.