Unity Screen size

Hi, I am a beginner in Unity in my new job. I am mostly a 3d modeller not much touching too much on the engine.

I just encountered a problem where unity despite changing the screen size. There are still problems where the GUI is cut off but the camera or?

This picture is a capture of the situation.

You need to be drawing your GUI in terms of Screen.height and Screen.width. That way it will never go off the screen, it will instead stretch proportionally!

GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width * (1f/6.55f),Screen.height * (0.1f/6.3f),Screen.width * (4.8f/6.55f), Screen.height * (0.85f/6.3f)),“Click”); //c#

      GUI.Button(Rect(Screen.width * (1f/6.55f),Screen.height * (0.1f/6.3f),Screen.width * (4.8f/6.55f), Screen.height * (0.85f/6.3f)),"Click"); //java script

this will adjust the GUI depending on screen reslotion