Unity Scripting API into a pdf?

Hi, so i am not able to get to the scripting API due to either lack of internet or school blocking the web. I was wondering if somewhere or if there is a way to download the entire scripting API(or all of the documentation from unity’s website as a PDF file for offline use? Not the one you get when you download unity.

Why not the one installed with Unity? If you download latest Unity version, you should get same version of documentation which is published to website.


So you don’t want the docs that get installed with Unity… Why’s that? There is an offline copy. I know your strange voting thing is asking people if there should be an offline copy. There is. So possibly you want people to tell you what kind of version they want. If so, you probably need to explain in your post what it is about PDF/word that is better than the html people do get.

Anyway, I’d imagine that conversion of folders of html into pdf should be possible.

The web based docs are significantly better than a PDF version, and there already is an offline version.

I would hate navigating a PDF for API.

Well the problem is that my IE doesn’t work for some reason so when i try to look at the documents they are blocked from the schools ridiculous security system,(They block anything about gaming so unity3d.com is blocked.) meaning the html files are unable to show anything.

So, tell the school that there are html files that are installed alongside the Unity editor and you need to be able to see them. You don’t need to view the online ones. Or ask them to give students access to docs.unity3d.com which is official docs and related to the software (Unity) that they have installed onto school machines.

Though HTML is indeed more convenient 98% of the time, I do understand the merits of the request.

I remember that once (quite a lot of time ago) I was in an airport, and I felt like downloading the full Unity manual & scripting docs to read in my eBook reader to keep me entertained during the flight, but couldn’t find a PDF anywhere.

Though, yeah, PDFs probably are significantly more convenient only in very precise and limited circumstances.

I know it’s not the same, and not practical for all documentation, but you can always “print” pages to pdf. In mac it’s just file->print->save to pdf, in windows (at least earlier versions) you need third party driver for that.