Unity Scripting Reference Download for offline use

Is there any way to download the Scripting Reference for Unity?

Im going on vaccination and would like to be able to look up the different classes. If I want to for example look up how “RotateAround” works.

I already tried downloading the " Offline Unity Documentation" but it does not seem to have the scripting references?

I need the information from “Unity - Scripting API:” —> Unity Engine → Classes.

Any help would be appreciated :slight_smile:

The Scripting Reference is part of the documentation that is shipped with every Unity installation. For example if you use Unity Hub you would find the scripting reference for Unity version “2019.2.0a6” here:

C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2019.2.0a6\Editor\Data\Documentation\en\ScriptReference

Of course this assumes you have that version installed and that you actually installed the documentation during the installation.

thanks a lot man!


You can use Dash if you are MacOS user.

Also, there is a plug-in for Rider, so you can easily look up a keyword by using the shortcut (default is shift+command+D).