Unity Sentis TextureConverter.RenderToTexture() Fails when using OpenGL ES Graphics backend

Unity Sentis built in function TextureConverter.RenderToTexture() Fails when using OpenGL ES Graphics backend. See https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.sentis@1.0/api/Unity.Sentis.TextureConverter.html

Original Issue: Android build failed when using OpenGL ES3 Graphics API · Issue #1 · julienkay/com.doji.mobilesam · GitHub

Steps to reproduce - activate Graphics API OpenGL ES
Build for Android arm64 target
Texture is null even thought the Tensor contains the result.

I am using Sentis 2.1.1 - the same behavior is on 2.1.2. Editor Linux Valkan works as expected, on Android with OpenGL ES it fails (that is needed for ARCore I am using in my project)

I have made my own Tensor to Texture2D conversion function to prove it.

public static Texture2D TensorToTexture(Tensor<float> tensor) {
    Debug.Log($"Tensor Shape: N={tensor.shape[0]}, C={tensor.shape[1]}, H={tensor.shape[2]}, W={tensor.shape[3]}");
    int width = tensor.shape[3];  // W (Last Dimension)
    int height = tensor.shape[2]; // H (Second Last Dimension)
    int channels = tensor.shape[1]; // C (RGB should be 3)
    // Create new Texture2D
    Texture2D texture = new Texture2D(width, height, TextureFormat.RGB24, false);
    // Read pixel data from tensor
    Color[] pixels = new Color[width * height];
    for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
        for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
            int index = (y * width + x) * channels;
            float r = tensor[index];
            //float g = tensor[index];//[index + 1];
            //float b = tensor[index];//[index + 2];
            pixels[y * width + x] = new Color(r, r, r, 1.0f); // Alpha = 1, in this case the Tensor is grayscale -it is a mask

    // Apply pixel data to texture

    return texture;

Thanks for raising this, I have created a ticket. This is bug SENTIS-870 internally.

Hi, I have furthermore verified that when I switch to latest ARFoundation + ArCore and use Vulkan, the inference works using CPU backend, it works on GPUCompute on Desktop but fails on Android even when using Vulkan Graphics. See original github Issue for details.