To start this off, it’s rumored that the next flagship phones of Samsung -S22 series- will have a chipset capable of Ray Tracing for the first time in mobile history! If that happens by any means whether it be sooner or later, it could be the end of URP!
Q / Why and how is it the end of URP?
A / Well, let’s see why there’s even a render pipeline called URP in the first place…
• Universal Render Pipeline -URP for short- was built from the ground up for applications that target a wider range of audiences and devices, especially for mobile platform.
• URP is Never meant for high-end cutting-edge Only and demanding applications.
With that said, anything that comes the opposite way of how URP works, will break its main purpose, hence the end of URP!
In other words, if Ray Tracing comes to mobile, Unity will have to build support for it eventually, which will defeat its main purpose as mentioned. Unity now faces two problems:
if it supports it, it’ll just make it like HDRP with the name being the only difference, or,
if it doesn’t support it, Ray Tracing will come to mobile eventually and someday become mainstream as the tech advances, and leaving URP without support for it will just break the workflow, because HDRP is not supported on mobile. Now to the solutions…
- The only possible solution I can think out of this dilemma is to combine URP and HDRP as a single render pipeline, this way we can avoid all the future and current hassles with one RP; As well as considering how convenient it is to new users and fundamental to the workflow.
• This RP should scale to all devices, ranging from low-end mobiles to High-End PCs and Consoles.
Besides all the current problems that’ll vanish due to splitting up the work on two separate RPs. And on top of that, URP is trying hard to be like HDRP, like in how ProductBoard shows it [spoiler][/spoiler]with unnecessary features like Volumetric Fog under -Under Consideration- and the rest of the entire pipeline features that HDRP already offer.
As well as not only combining the two RPs will prevent us from future and current issues, it’s going to actually speed up the workflow of graphics dramatically by focusing on one RP instead of splitting up and duplicating the same work on multiple ones.
• URP is a pointless investment, everything it offers HDRP already does.
• If HDRP gets supported for mobile, then there was no need even to have a second pipeline in the first place.
• Unity is losing its resources and precious time by focusing on multiple RPs by duplicating the same work.
Unity faces a real dilemma that needs to be solved.
Any feedback is welcome!