This is happening for a couple of years now, it’s impossible to file a crash report because Unity Freezes.
Whenever you double click on the Game Window to maximize or minimize while in Playmode - or - you try to disable Vsync, Unity freezes and you have to Force Quit.
This is happening on Unity 2021 and 2022 LTS for Silicon
Lots os users already reported this issue and it’s such a shame that Unity simple ignore this issue because there is no file report, which again, cannot be done because the applicion is freezed, quite frustrating.
Hi, it might be related to my thread: . See the last post. In my case the issue related to VSync is triggered when Lighting → Main Light is disabled in the Universal Render Pipeline asset.
Is your issue with VSync-off solved or you are only using a workaround in the Editor? Do you have any issues with VSync-off in builds? Some time ago I created a bug report concerning VSync-off and , but they can’t reproduce it on their M1 machines and I was also told: “there are no instances of a similar bug in our database”. So it would be helpful if such bug reports were created. Otherwise, my bug report will be ignored too. For now I was told: “request status has changed to Closed with resolution Not Qualified” and the same has happened with other similar crash reports related to my M1 machine. Your issue seems to be related to VSync-off too.
I was suggested that “these issues could be caused by the machine itself or the altering of some settings”. I’ve read enough on forums to think that it is not related only to my machine and it is hard to think what kind of settings these might be (I mean computer settings here). The issues I reported happen on multiple projects, including their own ones. One of the projects I submitted was based on the Core sample that had been only slightly modified by disabling Lighting → Main Light (which triggered the issue with VSync-off in builds).
You don’t need to have the Unity Editor running to create a bug report. Just open the Unity Hub, then go to Installs and then find the version of the Unity you want to create the bug report for, and then click the cog icon to open a context menu with options and click “Reveal in Finder”, then it will show the directory with the (the version you are interested in) and “Unity Bug”. Just double click “Unity Bug”. Then, you can file your bug report.
I’m finding that our game will freeze a lot of the time if you change desktop or another application.
Returning to the game will give you a spinner and you have to force close the game.