I am animating the vertices of a skybox, and the mesh that Unity is using for its skybox doesn’t have enough vertices. How do I assign a custom mesh to the skybox?
Please don’t suggest using a custom game object as a skybox. This is a very bad solution!!
- It slows down performance because the the transform of a gameObject is more complicated than the transform of a skybox whose vertices do not have a world location.
- Unity’s skybox shader macros require the developer to use the skybox set in the “lightings” setting
- Using a custom game object will be prone to glitches relating to camera cull distance.
(P.S., I’ll confess that I’m a bit irritated about this since allowing users to use their own mesh for the skybox should be fairly easy to implement on Unity’s end. If it is impossible to set the mesh for a skybox without modifying the source code, that would not speak well about Unity’s flexibility as a game engine.)