Unity Standard Asset Movement

Hey, I was wondering if there is a Boolean that is set to true when the player is running or, has jumped. I would prefer if I didn’t have to check for movement myself because I have several UI’s that can stop you from moving and would prefer not to add it to that too.

Anyway, is there a way, using standard assets, that I can check if a player is running or has jumped?

you really have to explain, how the player is moving, like are you using a navmeshagent, a rigidbody or a transform to move it.

if its a rigidbody or a navmesh agent, you can simply check to see if the magnitude of the velocity vector is greater than a really small number to determine if it is moveing.

I’m pretty sure I did… The title, and the post itself says Standard Assets. The default FPS character.

As you can see it has a velocity and a isGrounded property. So you can check the velocities magnitude to see if you are moving, and can test if isGrounded == false to test when you are mid jump

Then again, if they jump off a cliff?

If they walk off a cliff, isGrounded will be false until they hit the ground below.

Or can I infer from your previous posts that you want to know the difference between the play jumping off the cliff and just walking off it? If that’s the case you are going to need to add some logic of your own to make the differentiation.