Unity startup time via CLI much longer on offline machine despite activated license

Hello everyone,

like the title is saying does take Unity much longer time about 5 - 6 Minutes.

The log shows where it takes so much time:

It has an offline activated license.
Why does it bother so long to handle something at start? In a pipeline with 3 Stages it takes up 18 Minutes.

Can someone please tell me how I can avoid it?
To take the machine online is not a option at the company.

Best regards

I have seen that bug posts in the sub-forum Testing&Automation are not much answered by members of Unity.

Therefore I would like to reference @thewerku in hope he/she can answer my question or could delegate it to someone he/she thinks could answer/help better.

Sorry to be so rude by simply referencing someone but we are also in a hurry here at the company I’m working for and this issue is taking to much daily time.

Could you share your Licensing Client log?

Hi @superpig ,
thank you to reaching out to me and for your response.
I would be realy gratefull if you could bring some light in the dark to my issue.
Currently I have no clue where I should or could start to solve this.

Following the attached Licensing Log:

8744064–1184298–Unity.Licensing.Client.txt (422 KB)

Hi @Kinggrass ! i m looking into it.
I will try some things on my side but in the mean time to help me can you close the hub and try again then send me the new licensing client.log after this? So try with nothing open from the start

can you also provide the cli arguments you are passing?

Hi @martin-unity ,

first of all thank you also to reaching out to me and to tackle the issue I expirience.

I now created everything with a fresh start.

Now it points out also other mistakes. The command line call can be read inside the UnityConsoleLog.txt because of our security policies I have to truncate the file and to replace sensitive information which could leak infrastructure information or could show serial numbers in plain text.

But I hope it helps to identificate a issue I make.
For your information like already said, the license was activated with the offline method.

Thank you again for taking time.

Hope to hear from you.

Best regards

8752789–1186009–UnityConsoleLog.txt (1.97 KB)
8752789–1186012–Unity.Licensing.Client.txt (24.7 KB)

Hello hello @Kinggrass
Hum I still see the unity hub in the logs :confused: and i cannot reproduce on my machine sadly. But i can see some things that could help.
The version of hub you have and the editor version you run both had problem with some certificate validations with the licensing client.exe. So if possible i would advise to get the last version of hub and the last fix-version of the editor (meaning currently 2021.3.16). In the log you send i only see the log from the licensing client connected to the hub not the one that is launch by the editor ( because of the certificate validation that fail). So i m blind on what is happening to the very slow handshake. Hopefully with latest fix version of hub and editor you would be connected to the already running licensing client and it will maybe fix you issue.
after this you can send back the log again (hoping i see the right licensing client) i will check them

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Hello @martin-unity ,
thank you for your response and your advise.
Unfortunatly it is currently not so easy to update all our runners with the newest LTS version.
But we will do it. It will only take some time.

I think it is a must to be able to update quickly so I will also look additional if I could automate this process.

After that I will come back with new results to you here.