unity still not working

I have re downloaded unity and it will still not load my game

whats the error

Erg. Tell us step by step, where you downloaded Unity, and what happened when you open the app and try to open a Unity project.

Unity does NOT open games or executables. It makes them. A compiled game is just run by the operating system, not Unity

i have downloaded the last time at unity for windows https.//unity3d.com/web player unity plugin version 5.3.8f1 the error message keeps coming up(4668002) is less than required revision 4678001) please reinstall is the message i keep getting when i click on to manually install nothing changes i use unity to play 1 game which is kings of the realm i have been fighting with this for a week with nothing happening i am not sure how to fix this problem i have cleaned my cache deleted browsing history restarted many times tried different websites nothing changes by doing this when i read the web page for this version of unity it says it is not supported anymore i have tried different versions of unity with no results please help i don’t know how to fix this issue