Unity streaming audio. Rtsp question.


Hopefully just a quick question. I’m working with a team over seas who is responsible for our Restful server / api. We are currently working on streaming audio between client and server. So here’s the question:

In order to stream audio with unity ( www.getAudioClip(false, true) ) does our media server need to use RTSP? Or can this be done with RTP.

I hope that question is logical, I’m not too familiar with the server side of things or with data transfer protocols.

Audio Clip component in Unity doesn’t support RTP/RTSP stream interaction.
Usage of GetAudioClip() method of WWW object leads to retrieval as a normal file, which can be played as audio clip when the portion of it, enough to play for some time, is downloaded.
Lol, 25 mar '14
sorry, I am 2 late