Did anyone solve this issue?
never have I saw a company that insult its users by releasing unstable product and ignore issues on its official website
Hi @LiorBa ,
When you change the code while the Unity Editor is playing your game or app, the code is recompiled and what’s your game or app is using, becomes no longer valid.
My suggestion is to stop PlayMode before making code changes to avoid such type of situation.
On the other hand, if you really want to tweak your game while being in PlayMode, my recommendation is to expose to the Editor, the variables that you want to change (by making them public for example) and then change their values in the Inspector window in PlayMode.
If you follow such advice and you want to preserve your changes, you’ll need to create a prefab (or prefabs) with your changes or “Copy Component - stop PlayMode - Paste Component Values” if your changes were just made in a single component.
Another more robust, but complex option is to use ScriptableObjects: Unity - Manual: ScriptableObject.
Good luck with it!