Unity Studica Annual Pro licence versus Unity Personal

Hi, my name is Filippo and I’m an italian student.
Since 2015 I’ve tried (and sometimes failed) to make games with this amazing engine.
Then I decided to share my games with the various stores and markets but the MWU splash screen didn’t appeal to me so I was saving my money to buy a full €1500,00 or so licence. As a student I can’t earn a lot of money per month so i reached 800$ after a year and unity decided to change to a subscription based licencing. I’m not a fan of subscriptions and I prefer to pay more to get a perpetual software licence. So I looked into the Studica annual licence that now cost € 298,00 but I can’t understand by the product page alone if it’s a true unity PRO version, and if it comes with the Pay to Own feature that the Pro Version has.
On the other hand the Personal licence seems more polished but does not contain the ProUI and I have to include the MWU splash screen.
I would love to see your opinions on what should I use but remember that I will prefer to pay a little more on a perpetual licence, even only 5.x, with all bells and whistles and without the MWU splash.

~ Filippo

I bought my Unity 5 Pro License through Studica, while I was studying and needed it for my course.

I am still using it, and can do professionally, forever. I made sure that it was very clearly allowed prior to buying it. I have no regrets - It’s a good deal.

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Thanks for the reply.
Can I contact you for more information?

These days plus is probably the better option. Perpetual licenses are ending. And Studica has a history of screwing people over when the Unity license model changes.

I’ve never had one, but I was under the impression that the Studica license was limited to installation on one computer? That may or may not be an issue to you, but is worth keeping in mind. It’d be an utter pain to me, as I regularly move between a desktop and a laptop.


I bought from Studica the Unity Pro student commercial perpetual during Unity4 cycle and updated it when 5 arrived. It did save me half the price (750$ + 350?$(upgrade)).
Yes, it is limited to only one instalation, but for me it wasn’t an issue.

I don’t think it’s wise to get one these days, since now it’s subscription only and the perpetual licenses end support on march 2017 (afaik), so you would be spending money now to have to spend it again in march, unless you don’t want to receive more updates.

Since you’re a student, maybe it’s better to just use the free version, which has everything. There’s no need for Pro if you’re not a 100k$/year person/company.
Save your money for something else like better hardware, software, assets on the asset store, or for when you want to publish the game without splashscreen, subscribe to Plus when that time arrives. Until then you can use the free version.

Anyway, that’s my advice :slight_smile:

By the way, they are going to change the splash-screen to something more professional and customizable, so maybe it won’t be all that bad in the future :smile: