I just watched Unity-Studios video they recently added onto their Youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/UnityStudiosCOM#p/u/0/AdsKJFUqWEI
and I noticed at the 2:07 mark one of the clips featured “Car tutorial Extreme” Type - Unity tutorial project. Hopefully we see that sometime soon online. It looks pretty sweet!
This was menetioned at Unite in the Key speach - so hopefully it will be out soon.
Personally I find Unity car games a little slow(even in that video)… I dont know if thats caused by poor hardware at my end, or that perhaps the engine is better suited to other genre.
I hope I am wrong though.
They showed that at the Unite conference and said it will be available “later” as sample project. Ethan (antenna tree) replied to that in another thread that the game is mostly done, but the tutorial docs are not yet written so don’t expect it anytime soon.
Thanks Martin,
I know your into car type development, and I was wondering - would you mind sharing your thoughts on using unity and its capabilities for high quality racer like what is in the demo?
I saw a similar demo for XNA (tutorial) and that appeared to be of a similar speed.
Perhaps I have been spoiled with next gen consoles.
Thanks in advance,
Graphics wise there is no question Unity can handle that. It is usually more about if a team can produce similar quality graphics. That is in my opinion the bigger hurden. Unity comes pre-fit with so many shaders and Pro image effects that you can do great racers with it (gfx-wise).
The main question beside the gfx quality when it comes to racing is: What physics model do you want to use for the car as this is what most people judge instantly from when they play your game first time.
I don’t know about the physics implementation from the Unity race demo, but from what I saw in the video it’s very arcade like, maybe in a direction of those old Sega racer classics (which is good, people love this!). Looked very good what I saw in the video.
So it depends very much on your needs for your racing project. Do you want ultra high quality simulation? Go hire a phyics programmer. Make arcade like action (like I did with Hard Rock Racing)? Lots of resources around in the community to do so (JCar etc.)
I think that Unity is definately not the limiting factor to make great racers. It’s just a damn lot of work to create something like that…
Wow - thanks for the detailed response
I guess there are also tricks that can be done optically - to trick the user into thinking they are moving faster than they really are… like animating stripes on the sides of the road/tunnels etc.
I don’t at this time intend on actually building a racer, but I do love the genre - from a casual arcade perspective… rather than simulation type stuff.
The reason for my question was merely to find out whether it was a limitation of Unity - but obviously there is a lot more to coding a racer than first meets the eye.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this.
ps. hard rock racing rocks!!!
Some News of the CAR tutorial?
Any news of this one? Unity Technologies has been very quiet when it comes to resources, unfortunately.
Any news of this one? :roll:
I’m hoping to see this too. I’ve tried a few examples, plus Andrew’s tutorial, and had issues. So far the best luck I’ve had is with the tut. Only problem with that is the wheel assignments, but after looking around, it may be a compatibility issue with 1.x and 2.x. I’m using 2.6 free version. I’m just trying to get any car working reasonably well on my tracks to test track layouts.
Not directly a wonder given the amount of work it likely costs to make the Unity 3 examples and update all tutorials etc
You guys need to understand that this thread is about a tutorial project from Unity Studios, not Unity Technologies, so stop holding us accountable for its status. Unity Studios is a daughter company of Unity Technologies but it operates on its own as a stand-alone entity, they handle their own timelines and schedules separate from whatever we are doing. As to being quiet on new resources we recently posted a few updates to existing projects as well as an iPhone Multiplayer Tutorial, this after other updates earlier this year. So while GDC prep and 3.0 are taking up quite a bit of time, it’s not been total silence in any way…
Thank you Unity Technologies and Unity Studios.
I’ve read through the .pdf’s. This is fantastic. It provides a lot of the answers for questions I have come across, and still leaves a lot of room for building on more capabilities.
If nothing else, this work demonstrates the amount of analysis that should be performed when implementing real world affects into a game environment.
Double thumbs up to the development team.
DC and others:
Thank you for your kind words, it warms to hear you guys like the tutorial.
It was a great experience making this “game”, and UT did a hell of a job writing the important PDF.
I still take the Car for a spin once and a while