unity suddenly wont import standard assets.

I created a new prject in unity and some of the standerd assets wont import and it says in the console that “error while importing package: package has unknown format” im not sure why its all of a sudden not letting me import them.

This could be a number of issues. If it happened to me my course of action would be to re-download and re-install Unity. Then I would re-make this new project. If the problem persist after that, the problem could be your computer. Make sure you don;t have a spyware or malware problem.

ok ill check it out thank you!

Could be file corruption, especially if your computer crashed or lost power while Unity was open. You should scan your drive. (If you’re using Windows, go to My Computer → Right-click the drive → Properties → Tools → Error Checking). Probably a good idea to do it even if you’ve already reinstalled Unity, since otherwise it will just pop up again somewhere else.