Unity support for OpenXR in preview

There is no finger tracking support in this version of the OpenXR Plugin, but it is on the road map.

As for the XRRig, we will look into that to see what is going on.


How to disable occlusion mesh for urp ? I have a square overlay and had removed it in build-in pipline and hdrp , but can’t seem to figure out with universal.

This is the answer I was looking for. Trying to figure out if it’s worth going to Unity 2020 now. I am working on a project that will go on early access next year and probably won’t have a final release until early 2022. Since my project is still in the early stages, I think it’s best to upgrade it now, since I will eventually have to deal with this anyway.

I also didn’t realize 2020 was so close to going on LTS. In the spring of next year? If that is the case Unity 2020 must pretty stable now or at least stable enough for an Early Access game. I think, having to deal with a few bugs is a good trade-off for having a central VR management system, and not to mention all the good features 2020 has. Thanks!

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The current spec version (1.0.13) doesnt cover trackers or provide an extension for them yet. Once that happens we can provide more information on support for those items.

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2020.LTS will be approximately end of Q1 / start of Q2 of next year. If you have read a few of the blog updates from Ralph, we are focusing on quality / bug reduction more heavily, so hopefully that starts to become apparent in the 2020.2 release and going forward. OpenXR is important for several of our partners, so we are wanting to make it very robust and solid. While we’ve done a lot of testing internally, we can’t capture every scenario that you guys in the real world come up with, which is why this is a preview release and we are looking for feedback.


Do you have a sample project we could look at for the Index controller issue? Thank you

When can we expect the XR Interaction Toolkit Examples repo to be updated to make use of OpenXR?

XRI, and any other application that was using the new input system will work with openxr out of the box.

If you’ve installed the latest version of XRI, and you’re using our sample project from the github repo for XRI. To make this work with OpenXR

  • install the OpenXR provider as this forum post indicates
  • select which interaction features you wish to use.
  • start the sample.

XRI’s samples using bindings to <XRController> which will expand to work with any attached controller layout that inherits from XRController. You can also create your own specific bindings using the OpenXR controller layouts provided with the OpenXR package.

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I think I was using quite an old rig for the player rig causing the issues.

I can see that the “PlayerRig” in the OpenXR Controller sample from within the package works fine, so I’ll move that one into my project as a new basis for the rig, thanks.

Is there any chance of getting the following code to report back numbers while using the Index? Currently they both return 0, I’m trying to use them to drive dynamic resolution code.
Also, let me know if I’m asking these questions in the wrong place, I don’t want to spam this thread too much!

XRStats.TryGetGPUTimeLastFrame(out gpuTimeLastFrame);
XRStats.TryGetDroppedFrameCount(out droppedFrameCount);

Unfortunately the OpenXR spec doesn’t expose this data yet. The working group has talked about it in the past but hasn’t agreed on what to expose. We’ll resurrect the discussions there.


Hi, I’m using Oculus Quest + Virtual Desktop to check in editor.
With Valve’s OpenVR XR, XR controller input did not work in the input system.
With the new OpenXR, there is not even a picture.
Are there any special settings or restrictions to render the picture?
Also, i use the Xbox controller as an alternative and input from it works successfully in both cases.

Just made a fresh 2020.2 project to try this out, and I can’t get any input from the thumbsticks on oculus touch controllers (using quest 2 via oculus link). All the other buttons/grip/trigger report perfectly, just nothing on the axis/touch/press on the sticks. Everything on the valve index controllers including thumbsticks and touchpads work fine.

The touch’s thumbsticks are working fine in steamvr. Can’t tell if I’m doing something wrong?

I would like to request a OpenXR feature set for Oculus Quest hand tracking. I’m currently using this with the Oculus VR plugin, but I would like to transition to OpenXR.


Hey @m0nsky , thanks for the feedback. Support for Oculus Quest via OpenXR is on our roadmap. No concrete timelines to share at this point, but we’ll keep everyone updated once that becomes more clear.


I need to know if we can switch to the Color space system in Gamma or will we still be stuck in Linear?
Thanks for your help.

As mentioned in our documentation, OpenXR does not support Gamma color space rendering in Unity.

Has anybody else noticed that Post Processing is broken for Multi-Pass?
I find it ironic because I remember back when it was the other way around :b

My experience is that when I set it to Multi-Pass rendering and then have any sort of Post Processing (the Package Manager one) applied, it distorts the FOV and depth effects completely, and certain affects like Auto-Exposure have completely different effects for the two eyes (in my case, the right eye gets heavily darkened)

I’ve submitted a bug ticket myself with a stripped project, but if it turns out that many other people are noticing this as well, just want to get a feel for how many people this affects.



I just imported this package and I was prompted with this save dialog. However, I was not able to save, it kept popping back up every time I pressed save (or don’t save, or simply close). So I closed and reopened the editor and it was stuck in the “opening project (busy for…)”

I tried deleting the library and restarting but nothing… project won’t open, it is stuck on this (see screenshot).

@ Unity Let me know if you would like me to send you the project. It is an empty project.


I created a new project and imported again (same steps) this time it did save fine but these errors showed up. I am not sure if these are related but just posting them here just in case.

I spoke too soon, same thing keeps happening every time I make a change to Open XR. If I were to keep clicking or keep holding escape, unity crashes and project won’t open again making it unusable. This problem starts to happen when I click on Open XR > Features


After reattempting several times (removing and reinstalling the package) it managed to save. I wonder if there’s some error or lock preventing the save. But finally it worked. I will post if see anything else.

I got everything working for now and I have to say this is so amazing to not having to deal with all the other thirdparty plugins.

I downloaded the controller example and played with it, and I felt like I should pinch myself to make sure I am not dreaming!

I tested the Index controller which I think is the most complex of the group and every button and touch work as expected. I will test out the other controllers (WMR , Oculus, and Vive) in the coming few days. After being battered for the last two years dealing with controller issues I can say this is far, far better than anything I have tried so far. Thanks guys!