Hello. I added a powerup that works like a star from Mario, but when picked up it just doesn’t update the tag. I have another powerup that does update the tag, and it uses almost the exact same code. To make it even stranger, when I log the tag it says the powerup tag, but doesn’t say it on the gameobject or when a trigger logs it. Here’s my code:
if(meatyStew.invincibilityTime > 0) {
transform.gameObject.tag = "wigInvc";
GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite = invc;
else if(helmet.helmetDur > 0) {
transform.gameObject.tag = "wigHelm";
else {
transform.gameObject.tag = "wig";
GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite = normal;
The top if statement, or meaty stew, is the one I am having trouble with. Thanks.