Unity Teams is overpriced for some cases!

Hello everyone,
We’re building a non-game app on Unity, it’s less than 100 mb and we’re 4 persons with 0$ budget, in sense we don’t have sponsor or anything like that and 3 of us are students. The thing I want to subscribe to Unity Teams (better than subscribing to netflix in my opinion) so the basic free package has only 3 seats, okay then I’ll get the next package for 9$ and I’m sure I’ll get at least an extra seat, Oh no I get extra 25 gb space for my 500kbytes app and 0 extra seats! how many? ZERO. It means I have to pay 16$ just to get that extra seat, which make the deal unfair. Would you like to help me in this regard?

Just learn Subversion and sign up for an account with a shared hosting provider that offers subversion repositories. This has the added advantage that you get a website for your project too.


Yeah, there are plenty of options here. Unity’s strength is ease of use and direct integration. If those things aren’t worth $16/mo for you then check out stuff like @Ryiah 's suggestion, GitHub, Azure DevOps, GitLab, PlasticSCM…

Distributed versioning is alot better than old tools like SVN. Much more intuitive to branch, merge etc

Intuitive for whom? Just because it was easy for a programmer to pick up doesn’t mean the artist will find it that way.

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LFS isnt hard and when setup the user will not even need to think about it

they are worth but it’s really annoying how they give you everything in 9$ package except one thing and this makes the whole benefits worthless. I think I find 7$ for an extra seat is unfair, it should be 3$. I’ll just stick to github, they gave us exactly 4 seats for private repository, which is perfect.

When it’s setup which isn’t an accessible process.

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Unity just acquired plastic scm and they’ve got some new offers that might be a lot more interesting.

You should check them out.

Rather than getting into the whole git vs SVN vs etc debate, I think its important for OP to try all solutions and go with the one that is most cost effective, easiest to use, and has all the features your team requires.

Everyones ideas on source control + versioning is usually based on opinions they have formed by using their prefered approach, meaning you should form your own opinions and take everything everyone says here with a pinch of salt.

My personal preference is git + LFS and we have artists that use it no problem. But SVN is a lot less hassle when working with unity to be honest. Plastic SCM is great but was pricey, and git is free for me (with LFS costing about $5 a month for 50GB storage)