I’m making a 3D FPS with “pixel art” textures (video of the alpha here:
The whole idea is that I’m using very small “pixel art” textures, usually between 3232 to 6464, all unfiltered (filter mode: Point(no filter)) no mip-maps, no compression, etc…
Everything works fine at the exception of the grass paintbrush in my Terrain kit: I’m using a 32*32 grass texture painted on my terrain, but no matter what I do, it comes out blurred/anti-aliased.
It may be the terrain shader, but how can I correct this in order to have a pixel-crisp grass instead of that blurry mess (not completely un-esthetic, but it does bother me! )
As far as I’m aware the terrain detail system does a lot of things under the hood. It may very well be possible that it creates a texture atlas out of all the detail meshes which uses bilinear filtering + mipmaps. Though this is speculation
One thing you could try is to create a simple Quad object, assign a material with your grass texture to it. Then add this as a tree to your terrain. Try to paint it, and see how it looks. Trees, unlike detail objects/billboards render using whatever shader and textures their material uses, so it allows for a lot more granular control without the terrain hijacking it.
If that ends up looking alright, you’ll at least be a little wiser about what is happening
Game looks great by the way, digging the aesthetics!
It is true that unity will create an atlas under the hood, and thus I assume it adds a bilinear filter. If so, there’s not much you can do using unitys grass system… Like most projects these days, you’ll probably need to use another grass renderer, or do the detail trick.