Would it be possible to have a voxel world (ie. procedurally generated Minecraft type world) with a terrain “surface”? This would require the ability to generated terrains and related foliage dynamically on top of the dynamic block meshes and also allow for the destruction of terrain as surface blocks are removed. If this is not possible, are there any terrain-like systems out there that will work for this purpose?
Update: FYI, the reason I’m looking to see if the terrain system (or alternative systems) would be suitable for this purpose is because all the assets I see related to environmental foliage are geared towards using unity’s terrain system; environmental foliage is not something I’d like to implement myself. Minecraft has its own biomes and its own environment system but those are blocky and based on Minecraft blocks, which is not what I’m going for; I want the realism that exists with the terrain system, but seeing that it’s meant for static meshes I was wondering if what I’m looking for is possible with Unity’s terrain system, or if anyone is aware of other alternative systems that would suit my needs. If I could use all those nice environmental assets on dynamic meshes without requiring a terrain then that would be best.
This falls into the standard category of “yes, it’s possible.”
It sounds like you need a very custom specific diggable terrain system, so start there. Adding foliage onto a minecraft world might be easier to just DO it rather than trying to get Unity terrain involved, as to do so involves all of its assumptions and limitations.
Keep in mind Unity Terrain is a system that has certain assumptions and limitations. You will need to get familiar enough with those assumptions and limitations to decide if it fits your needs.
Thanks for replying. The reason I’m looking to see if the terrain system (or alternative systems) would be suitable for this purpose is because all the assets I see related to environmental foliage are geared towards using unity’s terrain system; environmental foliage is not something I’d like to implement myself. Minecraft has its own biomes and its own environment system but those are blocky and based on Minecraft blocks, which is not what I’m going for; I want the realism that exists with the terrain system, but seeing that it’s meant for static meshes I was wondering if what I’m looking for is possible with Unity’s terrain system, or if anyone is aware of other alternative systems that would suit my needs. If I could use all those nice environmental assets on dynamic meshes without requiring a terrain then that would be best.